Chapter.2 Clubbing and a surprise

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You two could join me in here" He nicely invited us. "Oh sur-" "Uh there's two other people joining us, us that alright?" I interrupted Sam. "Rude" I smiled at him as a way to say sorry. "Yeah that's fine" his smile seemed to grow bigger. I was hesitant but Sam dragged me in. Lovely.

Offenders POV
I invited the two in. My plan was to get the girl alone but she seemed. Cautious. She didn't seem to want to except the invitation.

The guy sat next to me and she sat on the opposite side of him. I should- "Tessa's looking for us, I'ma meet her outside the room." Damn it. She stood up and walked out the door. Leaving it open. "So what's up?" Is he really trying to talk to me? "Nothing much just chillin." He nodded "Well thanks for inviting us into the room, Y/N isn't much for crowds. Neither is Mimi."

Shit. Who's name is who's? "Who and who?" He chuckled. It's gross. Sounds like he forced how deep it sounded. "Y/N the girl that was in here, wearing the black dress. Mimi is my younger sister Tessa's girlfriend, you'll meet them so-" "OH, SAMMM" He winced. Loser. "Hey Tessa."

The three girls say next to that loser. Y/N or so he calls her is playing something on their phone quietly. The two girls, Tessa and Mimi, I think? Are all lovey dovey with each other. Gross. "Hey Sam?" He looked over at Y/N "yes?" She didn't once look up from her phone. "Can you get me a drink please?" "Sure what do you want?" "The usual, (F/D)" and with that he was out of the room and lost in the crowd. Good. I moved next to Y/N and put my arms around her "Hey sugar" she looked up at me "Please don't call me that" they looked back down to their phone. "Awww why not babe?"

She waited for her drink and once it was brought to them, they just walked out of the room, I quickly followed. "So what are we doing?" They seemed slightly annoyed then sighed and put their phone in their bag. "Dancing." Wait, what? Maybe the spell is working. We made it to the center of the dance floor. She started dancing. They turned towards me and smiled. I started dance too. It's kinda fun.

Time skip and POV change
We had danced and drank. A lot. I'm getting tired. I check my phone. 3:50!? "I'm sorry I should get going, it's late and I need to unpack in the morning." He got slightly annoyed but agreed "You should get home, but let me ask visiting friends?" I shook my head as we made out way to the exit. "No, I moved across the city into a way smaller apartment, I prefer it that way."

Oh god, he might think I live alone. Too late now. "Damn it! Sam left with the car." He looked down at me. "Call an uber." Wait why didn't I think of that? I called an uber and waited out side. The mysterious man waited with me. After a few minutes the car pulls up.

"Y/N?" "Yes that's me" I got in and waved the tall man goodbye. He waved back then walked off. Strange. I went on my phone. I didn't trust this driver. But I don't trust most people so it's not a surprise. He keeps asking me questions and I keep giving very vague responses.

We made it to my apartment building and I quickly get out and make my way to the door. Putting in my pin and rush up the stairs. I wasn't gonna wait and see what was gonna happen, if he was planning something at least.

I unlocked my apartment door and went in locking it behind me. Once I turn on the light the mess hits me. "Gross" I went to my room.

Got undressed and laid down. I didn't bother to put pajamas on. I melt into my blanket and fall into a deep, drunken slumber.

Time skip
I was woken up by a pounding headache. The all dreaded hangover. I get out of bed and shiver when my nude body hits the cold air. I grab a jumper and slip it on. "Much better."

I walked into the kitchen to find a single red rose sitting on the cold counter top. 'Strange. I don't remember Tessa, Sam or CJ leaving a rose. All well.'

I set up the coffee maker and started to brew some, while waiting I walk back to my room to pick an outfit for the day.

Boxes are everywhere. 'So gross and messy' picking out a pair of jeans, a graphic tee and under garments. I put them all on.

Feeling way more Sucre in case Tessa were to burst in. Making my way back to the kitchen I grab my coffee. Dark roast. Icky. But I'm not bothered to look for sugar and I don't have any creamer so it'll have to do.

After the first few sips I got started on unpacking. Starting with my living room.

Time skip (again I'm sorry)
The living room was finally done. Shelved lined the walls as well as old family pictures and pictures of mine and Tessa's adventures before she went off to collage.

The tv was also set up, the couch was in place with two tables on either side with a lamp on one a plant would take a place on the other.

That's what this room was missing, plants. The next room would be the kitchen. So that's were I went. Picking out a box to start with. Glasses and cups.

I picked out a cabinet to host all the plastic cups and beautifully designed glasses. Once those were done I moved onto plates, silverware, pots, pans, appliances and finally some small decorations.

I was done in no time. Way quicker than the living room. One thing was left. The rose. It was going to wilt and die. So I grabbed a vase and filled it with some water.

Setting the rose into the delicate glass before walking to my living room and placing it on the empty side table. Perfect.
My phone rings, I rush over to check it only to see it's an unknown number. Ugh. Really? Wait, it's 3pm? (15pm military time)

"I should really get something to eat" With that off to Google maps. The closest thing to me is a small cafe. 'Cool, I'll go check it out.'

I slip on shoes, grab my keys and wallet then head off to the cafe. It's in walking distance so why not.

I make it there and it's a cute neko-cat theme. 'This is adorable!' I can barely contain my excitement. I quickly walk in and straight up to the register, "Hello, welcome to Purrfect Pastries! I'm Cinnamon, what can I get you today?" "I'll get a...(F/P) with a medium (F/D) please" The blonde girl with cat ears, or Cinnamon, smiled "Coming right up! You may go take a seat, we'll bring it to you!"

I happily walked to a table with only two seats. It's in the center of the small cafe. There's an empty chair across from me and someone sat down. Busy on my phone it takes me a second to notice. "Hey sugar"
Shivers went down my spine.

Rose Petals (Offenderman x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu