Chapter.4 A secret admirer?

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I can only hope it's some weird prank at the hands of C.j. But honestly I can't be certain. Whoever wrote this letter has some real explaining to do.

Maybe Tessa wrote it and C.j placed it here. Or maybe it wasn't them at all. After all it said I call them a creep... Could it be that tall man.

Maybe he's following me after all.


It's been a few days since that first note arrived. Tessa had been over multiple time and had pledged her innocence multiple times. I'm still having some trouble believing her.

"Look, maybe it's just a secret admirer!"
"Tess we're adults, a lot of people don't do that anymore."
"But what about that one from highschool?"
"That's high school Tess, we are grown woman, this isn't something that normally happens!"
I watched as she started pouting.
"I guess your right."
Her spirit seemed brocken but sometimes that's the only way to get her to learn.
"Shit, Mi wants me home, she misses me."
"Didn't she see you before you left?"
"No she was at work"
"Oh, well don't wanna keep her waiting."
"Youre right, Bye Y/N!"
The only thing I could do is wave. An hour. I couldn't even get an hour with her. It's always Mimi this. Mimi that.

I understand she Tessa's girlfriend and everything but ever since I got them together in MIDDLE SCHOOL, mind you, Tessa barely hangs out with me.

I miss my best friend. But I also understand why she wanted her to go home. It's 8 and she's probably tired and wants her girlfriend. They're probably gonna get ready for bed and watch a movie.

Actually doesn't sound like to bad of an idea. So that's exactly what I'll do. I'll shower and get changed into comfy clothes then chill on the couch and watch a movie!

Perfect night right there. If only I had some whine or booze to complete it.

After getting everything done and set up I finally started watching a romance movie. Don't know why I decided to but it just felt right. Honestly I'm just a sucker for a good romance.

Mid way through the movie my eyes started feeling heavy. Like stones. I tried so hard to keep them open.

To finish the movie I started. But I just couldn't. Sleep quickly took over my body. Not that I could help it in anyway. I slipped into a dream.

Dream POV
I woke up. But where? This isn't my house. Not the familiar off-white couch I fell asleep on. But a somehow soft floor. Its pure white. My hair is down and I'm dawning a white old fashion nightgown.

(Kinda like this)It reaches the warm floor

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(Kinda like this)
It reaches the warm floor.
"Where am I?" "Where am I?" "What the?" "What the?" An echo. I can't say I'm surprised.


I turn toward the voice to see an angel looking creature.
"Hello? Um where am I?"
"The dream scape."
I take a moment to study this creature in front of me. It's an eye. With wings? Six to be exact. What is this creature?

"I'm a true angel, not the ones depicted by you mortals, ones of perfection in a human body. Instead we are the holy beings, far more different then us depicted in biblical drawings."
"Is that why I'm not scared shitless?" "Yes."
"Why do I still fear you then?"
"Because I'm a being far beyond your compression."

This is a lot to take in. Is this a dream or am I genuinely being contacted by an angel?

Or is it even that? Maybe it's a malevolent being but like it said they're far beyond our comprehension.
"I wonder what is heaven like, Is it truly like the depictions?"
"You'll find out when the time comes."

I wonder why it's here, why it's talking to me communicating with me especially if it's such a complicated being. I'd love to know more about it.

"I'm here to inform you that something is coming, not something you'd expect, and definitely not a mortal, but he will bring great happiness after ages of fear, that's all Im being aloud to tell you."
"So basically what you're telling me is I'm going to get scared of someone I'm going to love, but that someone isn't human?"
"Indeed. Now I must go child something awaits me, as for you."
"Wait what?"

Before it could answer it was gone. I look down only to see I'm fading, I wish I could stay, it's so comfortable.

"That was a hell of a dream." I search around for my phone, when I find it I check the time. 4:01 am. Early as hell. I slide my feet out from under the covers and place them on the cold floor. "The floors freezing!"

I stand up and shuffle to the kitchen. I grab a plastic cup from the cupboard and turn on the sink, I can wait for the water to get cold then, fill the cup and take a sip.

Just what I needed.

Without a second thought I shuffled back and layed down. Trying to fall back asleep. Hoping to return to the dream scape.

What a lovely place that was. I'd pay to go again. But I know it doesn't work that way. I begin to spam Tessa. Trying to get her to wake up. Finally I get an answer.

Then I call her. It takes her a second to answer. Probably going to the living room as to not wake her lover.
"Yes N/N?"
She sounded tired.
"I just had a really weird dream. I felt like I needed to tell you!"
"N/N if it's some stupid dream about robots driving a bus full of chips again I swear-"
"No it was about an angel. Telling me something. Something along the lines of 'Im going to find someone I fear but not to worry I'm going to fall deeply in love with them, but they're not human."
"That's odd, you've never had a dream like that before."
As I was about to answer I felt the urge to check the door.
"Another letter just slid under my door." Almost exactly a week after the first.

Rose Petals (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now