Chapter.5 Another letter, great.

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"No it was about an angel. Telling me something. Something along the lines of 'Im going to find someone I fear but not to worry I'm going to fall deeply in love with them, but they're not human."
"That's odd, you've never had a dream like that before."
As I was about to answer I felt the urge to check the door.
"Another letter just slid under my door." Almost exactly a week after the first.

Y/N's POV (still)
Tessa and Mimi said they were coming over first thing in the morning. Sam was here quickly. Me, on the other hand, I stayed on the couch. Curled up.

I couldn't even think of reading it.

"Y/N! It's Sam. Open the door please."

I hesitated
"Why didn't you text me you're here?"
"I left my phone at home."
"Don't think it's me, do you?"
"Um ok so when you were younger you used to draw ship art of your friends with their favorite game character then sell them the drawings."
My face began to heat up. He's right. No stranger would know that. I never told anyone.

I get up. The feeling of my feet on the cold floor is unbearable. I step over the note and unlock the door then peek out, yup. It's Sam. Opening the door I make my way back to the couch.

"So where's the letter?"
"Still on the floor, in front of the door. I couldn't bring myself to pick it up."

He looks down, shutting and locking the door. He picked up the note and sat down next to me.
"We can read it together if it makes you more comfortable."
He ripped the envelope open, unfolding the paper that sat inside and read it aloud.
"'Hello darling' gross 'I would have left a rose with this note but it's come to my attention that your sleeping in the living room.' Dude this is creepy 'As much as I'd love to be there with you I have other business to attend to.
With love, O.M.' Dude, what the actual fuck?"
All I could do is panic. He knew I was sleeping. Does that mean he could see me in some way? Maybe he was on the balcony. No, how would the letter come through under the front door.

It would mean he had to have come inside. How did I not hear him?
"Hey, N/N, are you ok? Nevermind that's a stupid question, of course you're not."

I didn't even notice it but I started to cry. Sam trapped me in a warm hug. I don't know what I'd do without him right now. I just melted into the hug and cried more. It's all I could do.

Offenders POV
I watched the balcony windows. Fear. It's such a lovely sight. She's straight up sobbing in his arms. I can't wait to completely ruin how she sees him.

I want to completely seclude her from everyone she knows and loves. Then I'll kill her. It's a process, a fun one but its a lot of work.

Welp. Time to find another victim while I wait. Another day walking the streets of C/N. Looking for a quick fuck, then I eat er'. Literally. Whatever's left gets hidden in my brothers woods. For the Rake.

God. Sometimes I wish I was human. I mean yeah, it's awesome that I don't get STDs, not getting woman pregnant up until a certain time of year n' shit like that. But I wouldn't have to hide. I could blend in with everyone else. Live a normal life. I'd probably have a wife n' kids.

But I'm stuck like this. All well at least I have a hot ass body. I usual don't get fat. I usual keep my body in good shape. But if they woman's into it and it'll mean better sex, then I'm shifting into a "fluffy" man.

Quite frankly I don't understand the fact that people have a preference for who they fuck. But hey, who am I to judge? Whatever gets your dick hard I guess.

God, how long is it gonna take to find someone? At times like this I'd even settle for a dude. It's not often but I'll fuck a guy now and then. Change things up a bit.

" do you know where 375 Candy's st is?"
It's a middle age woman. Around 45. She'll work. Time to work my magic.

It felt like forever but when Sam finally let go I couldn't cry anymore. I wasn't scared anymore. I'm pissed. Confused. Annoyed and so much more.

I need to figure this out. Who is O.M? Obviously a stalker of some sort. But what does he want? So many questions with no answers.

Sometimes I wish dad is still here. I could run to him and hold him. Cry onto his shoulder and explain everything. Shane disappearing, the night at the club, the incident at the cafe and the letters. Tell him all of it.

Sometimes I wish Shane is here with me. Helping me through the death of our father. Helping me through the weird stalking. Protecting me from weird guys at the club like he used to on the playground.

I wish I had my family. I miss them. But now I have to deal with the family I've made. Tessa, Mimi, Ciara, and Sam. We're all one small dysfunctional family and we're happy this way.

But sometimes I wish for all of it to come to an end. Life. Not all the time though. Only occasionally. Like when I miss dad or Shane. When I think about how alone I'd be without my small makeshift family, and how I'm losing my best friend.

Losing my best friend to the girl she fell for, and the girl I got her together with. It's the biggest pain of them all. Yeah losing Shane and my dad hurt but it's not like I could spend anytime with them at all. Tessa I can. She just never has the time for me.

That's just how life is. No one sticks around forever and all good things must come to an end. Just like life. But even so I couldn't ask for a better one.

Rose Petals (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now