Part.19 New Home

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"Here, it should make the floor slightly more comfortable. I'm sorry I don't have anywhere better."

"It's whatever."

And with that I plopped them down on the couch and went back into my room. I slid under the blankets with Offender. Who had been waiting for me, and I curled up next to him. Hopefully this passes over quickly.


After a day straight packing I ended having Offender drop Oliver off at his brothers to be taken care of.

After a few days of non stop packing I had everything I had unpacked what felt like a week ago, taking what I thought would be my forever home and already selling it.

The home I brought Oliver back to what felt like just yesterday.

As I stand in the once again empty apartment that I had grown to love. I couldn't help but be upset.

"Are you good hon" Offender said as he placed a hand on my head.

"Yeah, I just didn't expect to be leaving so soon you know? I thought I'd move like when I was married and pregnant or something."

"Married? Pregnant? I didn't take you for the type. Well when you're ready it's time to go dear"

"You never know, things could happen. The future can unexpected things...."

And with that I turned to him, then held out my hand.

"Let's get this party started yeah? Cause clearly this isn't gonna just end"

He smirked his usually jackass smile and took my hand.

"You know it hon~"

He let loose a chuckle as we vanished from what was once my comfortable living room. The lovely home was behind me now, just another chapter in this crazy ass story.

My life.

I stumbled as my feet made contact of the room I'd be staying in.

I groaned as my head throbbed, pain completely taking over as I pressed my eyes closed.

"You good there sweetheart?"

"God I don't think I'll ever get used to that.."

"That's my bad dear, shoulda warned ya"

He chuckled.

I opened my eyes to see most of my bedroom items unpacked, stuffed animals lay on my bed and placed on selves.

My throw blank sat folded on the end of my bed, my folded clothes lay on top of it.

A small table next to my bed held a few things like the tv remote, and a few other things.

Oliver's bed placed on the floor at the end of my bed, his body lay limp in it, clearly in a deep sleep.

The bathroom was off to my left, I walked in to find a  bathtub, toilet, sink and vanity, which held my shower and beauty supply's.

Rose Petals (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now