Part.30 Spreading Said News

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"I don't know...but I'm happy you're so excited."

He plated a ton of kisses all over my face, he then planted a long passionate one on my lips. Making me smile even bigger.

It lasted close to a minute before he pulled away.

"We're gonna be alright Y/n, we're gonna he amazing sugar!"

He had the biggest, most stupid smile on his face. It was adorable...

We were at dinner. Each person sitting it their respected position as always eating and chatting away.

Slender had known about the pregnancy since I informed his brother. Offender, in his fit of child like excitement went to tell his eldest brother of the news.

Thankfully Slender took the new very well. Just as I was hoping he would.

But I made the decision that everyone should know. As well as the dangers that came with me being in this state. Of the possibility of Zalgø wanting to get to me while I was weakens.

Despite almost every bone in my body telling me not to i decided it needed to be said.

Yes both Jack and Jeff have known since early on. They kept the secret very well. No one thought a thing over the past month of my pregnancy. But I knew in sometime I would start showing, and god knows I can't be locked up in my bedroom for another 7 or even 8 months.

That would cause some other issues.

I look at the creature next to me, he was trying to eat a large piece of flesh whole.

'What a dumbass'

I couldn't help but snicker. But that just gave me a glare back.

'Now that I have your attention it's time.'

'Wait what?'

'Time for everyone to know, I will be showing you know? It'll come out one way or another.'

'Oh yea that, ok have fun with that, I'm tryna eat'

I just stared at him.

"Bro what"

I said it out loud. Causing some people to look at me, confused.

"Go on then. Not like they'll do anything"

I just deadpanned him at this point. My face as blank as a slate.

"Whatever then"

I then turn my attention to Slender. He looked at me, or atleast tried. Ha

He nodded then stood up.

"Attention. All of you."

He waited for them to quiet down.

"There is some important news that must be shared to you by our beloved Y/n. Whether you're friends, acquaintances or have had no prior conversation with them this is very exciting and should get all of your attention. You may take the floor, Y/n"

As he sits back down I feel a ton of eyes on me as I look at everyone down the table.

"Um yea ok so as you know I've been staying here quite a while and have been trying to befriend at least most of you. You have become almost like a second family of sorts in return I thought you all should be aware of this."

I paused trying to find my wording. Trying to just get it out. But anxiety bubbled up deep in my stomach and up my throat.

"I'm pregnant."

I finally get the guts to blurt out.


'Oh fuck. Shit. Oh god no someone please say something. Anything'

"Congrats klutz"

Surprising Tim was the first to speak up.

Sally way next, clapping and shouting excitedly at me. Happy to be a big cousin.

Jane and a few others chimed in with congratulations and joyous words.

That had a domino effect. Soon I was receiving so much people were just back to a loud talking mass. Except it was all about my baby.

How far along I am, what's the gender, how long have I known, is offender really the dad, that one kinda hurt. But I answered every single one.

"I can't believe you hid this all from us for so long, although that explains the vomiting and you always asking me to make food"

I was surprised to hear Hoodie speak up.

"Well...actually two people have known since the start."

"Well I can guess that, Offender of course and Jack"

He looks across from his, where Eyeless Jack sat.

"Well actually Offender didn't know until he returned home, Jack yes, he got me the test and was with me when I took it but the other was, well..."


Everyone just stared at the black haired boy in surprise, knowing our rocky start and not exactly witnessing his kindness toward me.

"Wait I know you did but I never knew how?"

"̷I̷ ̷w̷e̷n̷t̷ ̷s̷n̷o̷o̷p̷i̷n̷ ̷w̷h̷e̷r̷e̷ ̷I̷ ̷s̷h̷o̷u̷l̷d̷n̷'̷t̷ ̷h̷a̷v̷e̷ ̷a̷n̷d̷ ̷f̷o̷u̷n̷d̷ ̷s̷o̷m̷e̷t̷h̷i̷n̷ ̷I̷ ̷h̷a̷d̷ ̷n̷o̷ ̷b̷u̷s̷i̷n̷e̷s̷s̷ ̷f̷i̷n̷d̷i̷n̷"̷

"You went in her room."

His voice laced with anger and venom, it was more then a statement then a question.

"No, he went through the bags I brought home that had the test stuffed in em"

That seemed to have calmed my lover slightly. Not much though.

"Can we just stop talking about that and talk about a serious problem with me being pregnant? Zalgø wants to get to me, to get to all of us, and while I'm already not the strongest being pregnant I'm in an even weaker state, although probably unaware I'm capable of fighting for myself he can and will most likely still try to get us, to get me, or he'll might try to Oliver to lure either me or Offender out. It isn't safe. I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to keep the baby for that reason. It puts us all in way way too much danger. That's why I held off on saying anything for so long. But im keeping it. That means a higher danger level for all of us. A higher level of him trying something he shouldn't."

"Y/n is correct. We will have a slightly higher threat level until the child is born. Even that doesn't say whether it will mean safety or not. But Y/n has decided that this is the path she is taking. In return we must help protect the child and in return her as well as the dog. I understand you all with comply with this?"

There was a collective agreement from everyone, even Sally.

I couldn't help but tear up. I haven't been here for nearly as long as anyone else and yet I was so widely excepted and cared for by all.

"Thank you all so much. I'm sorry for pulling you away from your food"

I then went back to my own. Munching on the food on my plate.

But a craving for something else was arising more and more as I sat at this table.

Human flesh.

Rose Petals (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now