Part.28 What now?!?

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"So what is the issue?"

"What is he doesn't want kids?"

He didn't answer instead grabbing the test off the sink and looking at it.

Without a word he gave it to me.

As I grabbed it my nerves got even worse. Then my stomach dropped.

There they were.

Two red lines.

I sat there stunned. Unable to move anything. My body frozen like the cold lakes outside.

I couldn't see. My vision clouded by tears.


I felt the tears roll down but I still couldn't move. I couldn't bring myself to wipe them away.

I look up at the creature that became my friend.


"It's there..."

I look back at it. Unable to wrap my head around this.

"What now?"

"Wait for him to get home and tell him..."

He paused.

"or get rid of it..."

He mumbled. Only partly wanting me to hear.

"Should I?"

We just looked at each other. Unable to say a word.

"Do you want to?"


I look at the test before getting up and stashing it. Hiding it between my bed and the boxspring then grabbing the snacks and heading downstairs. Jack and Oliver in tow.

I walked into the living room and was tossed back.

Only kept from falling by Jack, who was able to catch my gently.

"Watch it fuckwad!"

From what I can tell BEN and Jeff were pushing each other around  and Jeff pushed BEN too hard.

BEN laughed then apologized to me. Jeff just scoffed and turned away. Only half assing an apology when Oliver threaten him. Growling and bearing his teeth.

"hush now"

He was quiet in an instant.

I then lowered myself onto the couch. Grabbing (F/s) out of the bag and pulling it open. Popping a piece into my mouth.

I sat quietly for who knows how long before I realized everyone had gone. I had watched American horror story for so long I hadn't realized how late it was.

It was almost 4 in the morning. Yet sleep seemed too far away. Offender would be home in a couple of days.

'What would I tell him? How would I bring this up?  Do I just randomly "hey! I'm pregnant by the way! Anyway how was your day?" That sounds too casual. Should I text him?  Should I FaceTime him and tell him somewhat face to face?'

All of this and more raced through my mind as I tried to figure out how to tell my lover I was pregnant. Yet nothing seemed right.

Maybe a gift saying 'proud dad' or some cheesy shit like that?

I wasn't sure but what I did know was no one other then Jack was going to know until I told Offender. I didn't want him to be the last to know.

And I knew it would be hard to hide with the brothers and their mind reading abilities. It was almost annoying at this point.

But with that I turned off the tv and made my way out with my precious puppy, who seemed to know before anyone about this whole thing.

I shut lights off as I went, though hating the darkness I pushed toward.

Once I made it to my room I pushed the door open. I walk in and let my little boy in with me of course. How could I not?

I shut and make sure I lock the door. I can't help but feel untrust to those around me now. It's like I already feel the need to protect my baby.

I move through the faint light that filled the room due to the colored lights that went around my ceiling.

They were out dated at this point. No longer popular but I still love them.

The faint (f/c) light made it much easier to sleep. I hear the tapping of my feet gently against the floor as I make my way to my bed.

I climb in. Snuggling up under the fluffy covers and just hope I can get an ounce of sleep.

Hoping there wasn't another dream as before. My mind kept wandering to the boy. The beautiful boy with pale skin, like his father, and (h/c) hair like my own. A perfect blend of the both of us.

I could help but miss his. But feel sorrow to the baby that hadn't been born yet.

I began to drift to sleep. My tired mind fought it slightly with more imaginary thoughts of the son I've yet to have.

What if it wasn't a boy though? What if it was just a silly dream?

Before I could think about it anymore I fully drifted to sleep. Happily at that. Feeling the familiar warmth that came with Angel.

When the blinding whiteness dragged me toward I felt giddy. Excited to tell my dear friend the news.


The usual echo didn't seem to bother me anymore.

"Hello Y/n, you seem full of excitement. How are you adjusting with your new found power?"

"I'm adjusting well! I'm now able to due it without vomiting my fucking head off! But I have some amazing news! or atleast I think it is?"

"I'm already aware but still, do tell."

"Oh. Well, as you seem to already know... IM PREGNANT!"

"Congratulations Y/n"

"Thank you! But I have a question...."

"Ask away."

"Can I do anything else? Like am I able to defend myself or others? Or am I just a healer of sorts?"

"You do have some hidden strengths. You have much more heighten senses. As well as heightened agility, you are faster and stronger. You may also summon a weapon of your choice."

That shocked me. I never expected something like that.

"As well as due to your healing ability you regenerate and heal at a rapid rate, your body can take much more abuse before becoming injured as well"

"holy shit"

I stood there.

A last question bothering me.

"What about the dreams? The dreams of 'future events'? Do those mean anything or just dreams of a paranoid person?"

"They are vision of future events, although they may change. They could just tell you about something upcoming. The death of your dear child in your dream...was symbolic. A way to get your attention about the severity of the situation."

"...ok thank you."


"I care for you deeply you know. I would be so lost without you."

"I am aware."

"I'll see you soon?"

"You should."

"Ok...goodbye for now, dear friend"

"Goodbye for now Y/n, and once again congratulations on your child"

"Thank you..."

And with that I awoke. Not like I usually do. It was gentle. Like waking from a nap.

"I love you Angel. You mean a lot to me"

Rose Petals (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now