Part.21 A Warm Welcome?

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He didn't run. He didn't leave like they always do in the movies. Instead he asked what I wanted.


I said quietly, just above a whisper.

"Then that is it, we are one."

My heart raced once he said it and I just cuddled closer. I'm not as alone as I thought.

I woke up to the quiet knocking of someone at my door. I slip out of the strong arms of my lover, and walk toward the door.

"Hello? Who is it?"


I opened to door to find...Hoodie?

"Um...Can I help you?"

He pointed toward Offender then me then down the hall.

"So you need us to follow you?"

He nodded and just stood there.

So did I.

"Sooo I'm gonna go change, and wake up offender...."

Nothing. I just walked away and grabbed some presentable clothes. Then made my way to the bathroom and changed.

The tapping of Oliver's paws made its way to the door slowly as I opened it.

The puppy dragged himself tiredly toward the bathroom.

He followed me as I woke up the giant man on the floor. It took a while since he was a surprising heavy sleeper.

After about 5 minutes he finally got up and dressed to follow the man in the yellow hoodie.

It was the four of us walking down the maze of hallways and we somehow ended up back in that living room i almost got murdered in.

there was a ton of...people?

"Uhmmm whats going on?"

"Ah, Mrs Y/n, since you are going to be staying here i figured you'd need to meet everyone in the house. After all i don't think it would be fair to throw you in a house full of murderers and expect them to know to not touch you in any way."

As he talked i looked around the room, there was so many people in one house. there was many that looked humanish, just enough to pass as one. Others were a different story.

There was a giant black and white clown, the link wannabe, a guy with a dark blue mask and gray skin, a girl with a clock in her eye and much more.

I was honestly in awh. They all are so different yet find a way to live with each other under the same room. 

I met each and every one that was home at that time. It was honestly a lot. Hell there was 2 Jacks!

There was also a single animal, a husky with a similar smile to Jeff.  Of course his name was Smile Dog, how original.

Him and Oliver seemed to enjoy each other for the time being.

Sally, Ben, and both dogs went out to the front yard to play and Offender, Slender and myself sat on the front porch keeping an eye on them.

I was told a lot about the...people? i was living with.

Toby had terrets and something that kept him from feeling pain.

 Jeff looks the way he does after being set on fucking fire! He then carved his face open shortly after a mental break.

Jane and Liu were the only known survivors of Jeff's first attack on his and Jane's family. 

Jane's face and Hare were completely fucked up from the attack. For a while her mission in life was to kill Jeff and avenge her family.

Liu ended up absolutely COATED in scars and developed and alternate personality, named Sully, Liu forgave his brother after a lot of resentment but Sully never will.

Clockwork was abused by her father and he mother did nothing to stop it, cause her to lose herself soon tearing out her right eye and shoved the face of a pocket watch in it until it fit 'perfectly'

Eyeless Jack was sacrificed to become a Son Of Chernabog, the  process killed him and brought him back as the demon he is, then killing Jenny and her friends.

There was so much to understand that i got the biggest headache just trying to understand. 

But what i got out of it was they were children that were terribly mistreated and abused to the point they werent human anymore.

They were broken by years of being treated terribly that they fought back, only there was no going back now. 

They were no longer safe to be treated as normal humans.

So now they stay here. Taken care of by something far from mortal. 

Turning then into a part of his through a dangerous ritual. Cause immortality in the process.

The inability to age, at least the ones that were once human.

Even little Sally had gone through something terrible. Being sexually abused by a trusted family member then getting killed once she spoken up about it.

She possessed her childhood home for decades before it became abandoned thus leaving her alone. Slender had found her and taken her in.

Helping grow what power she did have, so she could fight back now. Never have to take things from anyone.

That one had me. Tears slipped down my face.

"She was...just a little baby"

I said it with everything i had but it wasnt enough to get it passed a whisper.

Sally came running up to me and excitedly showed me the tricks she taught Oliver to do.

I just watched, how could that happen to such a happy little girl?

I would never understand how someone could do that to babies. Little kids who cant do anything to protect themselves.

'Ill protect her forever.'

'I know you will, Little Rose'

After a while the sun began to set. Apparently these woods were not safe after dark so we all went in.

Dinner had already been started so i went and helped to my best ability. Once done we went to the table to eat.

When i tell you this table was HUGE. It seated everyone and more. 

Plus it had to tall enough for Laughing Jack and the brothers to sit at so the chairs were also really high up.

It also had some weird higharchy. Slender was the head of the table. His brothers sat at either side, Trender and Splendor sat on one side, me and Offender sat on the other.

Sally sat next to me then the rest sat in some formal order.

As Offender went to put something on my plate, but he froze then put it back.

I looked at him confused.

"Sorry love but unless you want to eat another human, i wouldnt touch it."

I made a grossed out face. Causing some people to laugh.

Rose Petals (Offenderman x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя