Chapter.7 Step one

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Police are asking everyone to please stay inside at night and never go anywhere alone. This is no longer a missing persons case, it's a kidnap and murder case."

My heart dropped.

Kidnap and murder case?

Why doesn't that sit right with me. I mean yeah low crime and all but....

Maybe it's because it could've been me...

No. I shouldn't think like that. I'll end up scaring myself more then needed.

I grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels, nothing good.

I should make something to eat. Yeah, sounds like a plan. It's been a while since I've had an actual dinner.

I went over to the kitchen to see what I have. I'm no chef but I can cook at least.

I settled on a frozen streak, green beans and some white rice. Simple but good.

I started off by putting the steak in lukewarm water to defrost. Then I rinsed my rice until the water ran clear.

Once done I grabbed my rice cooker, filled the water up to my first knuckle and poured in the rice.

I turned it on and set a timer, after the timer was set I grab a pot from a high up shelf. I pour the can of green beans into the pot and turn on the burner.

Lastly to season and cook the steak.

This is going to be good. Or at least I hope so.

Offenders POV
They're home.

It's been a few days. I can finally set the first step of the plan in motion. Writing the letter and leaving her a rose.

The first one I left was finally starting to wilt. It was a red one.

The next one will be another red then lastly a blue rose.

Truly beautiful but deadly. The blue rose is my sign of death, well technically I kill all victims but it's instant kill. No sex . Nothing.

I head back to my small house in the woods. Unlike my brothers I have no proxies and I live completely alone. It's better that way.

I grab paper and a pen and begin to write the letter. Another simple yet unnerving letter to scare the shit outta them.

Once that's done I take another red rose and make my way back to little Y/Ns home.

Time for step one

I started seasoning the steak and stirring the green beans. My stomach rumbles at the sight of cooking food, begging for some.

I begin cooking the steak on a pan. Basting it and everything.

I head a rustle from the living room but decided it was the house settling.

Once dinner was done I got myself some and went to sit in the living room. Didn't have a dining room anyway.

I made my way in when I saw it.

A dozen red roses and a note.

I dropped my plate and raced over. Is this what all that noise was about? How did they get in? Is the door locked?

I run over and check that. Locked. Double checked. Then ran and check the balcony door. Locked too.

All of the windows were locked except the one in the kitchen, it was open while I was cooking so it didn't get too hot.

I grabbed my phone from the kitchen and snapped a picture of the roses and the note.

I sat down and just stared. That's all I could do. One minute. Two. Three. Four. Five. And finally Ten.

'Im just gonna open it, there's no harm in that.'

Ok, three, two, one.

I ripped the envelope open, sliding the folded note out of the envelope.

The note was written on unusually smooth paper with roses in the top right and bottom left corner.

'How have you been dearest, it's been a while hasn't it? I've been keeping an eye on you. Why do you have men over when you have me? You don't need him you have me. Don't fear me. Love me. Love me like I love you. Only I can have you. No one else.
With love O.F.'

Holy fuck

'He's watching me? I have to call Tess, no Mimi would be pissed. They're on a date tonight. Sam? Yeah Sam.

He's always here when I need him. No matter the time or place. He's always been there when I needed him.

Now I need to wait.

5 minutes





'My phone!'

You know what I'm done helping you. You're such a big baby. You're 20 Y/N you shouldn't be acting like this. I'm not coming over.

Oh. I'm sorry I'm such a burden. I'm sorry I actually feel safe with you around. I'll never bother you again. Fuck you.

I slammed my phone down on the table in front of me. I put my head in my hands and just cried. Why is he like this all of a sudden? Did i do something wrong?

All i could do was wonder.

Offenders POV
She called him. I got him as he walked by. He's in my brothers basement. Hidden away.

I use his phone to text the sweet little rose. I love the fear. I can smell even from so deep in the woods.

The fear, despair and hatred. It's beautiful. All these strong emotions coming from such a pitiful being.

I can't wait to feast of their soft flesh. To taste their sweet blood. To hear their wonderful screams as i rip her apart piece by piece.

God just the thought has me so riled up, so excited.

It's making this long process so worth it. I'm sick of eating such low and gross woman. Woman who have no place in the world.

She has money, blood money, but money none the less. They have a reputation in this city. A place in this world.

Not just some low junky with no one to miss nor notice her absents.

Not just a family man, who's so deep in the closet. He who cheats on his wife, the woman who carried his children.

This one has someone. Someone to notice. She has no family to leave.

I have that someone. That someone who'll notice. Now to make them hate each other. To make the other two girls hate them.

They'll be completely alone.

Alone and scared. She'll have no one. Then i'll take her. I'll feast of their sweet flesh.

All this for a snack. What have i come to?

Rose Petals (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now