Part.22 Adjusting

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As Offender went to put something on my plate, but he froze then put it back.

I looked at him confused.

"Sorry love but unless you want to eat another human, i wouldnt touch it."

I made a grossed out face. Causing some people to laugh.

"Ok so that's..." I felt nauseated at what I was gonna say, I gulped down the spit that filled my mouth.

"...human meat?"

"Yea, some of us do eat humans there pretty lady"

"Indeed myself and brothers included. Eyeless Jack, the rake and many more of my followers do."

I could feel myself getting more uncomfortable, shifting in my chair.


I was curious.....

What did it taste like?

How does it feel to consume such thing?

What if I liked it?


No. No.

I shook my head.

I shouldn't be thinking abt this.

"Well is there anything else?"

"Obviously rose, there are other who don't eat human flesh as well. Here,,,"

He reached over me. Quickly. Grabbing a plate of what looked like ribs.

He put some on my plate. As well as some type of noodle, pasta thing, and some potatos.

"These look a little too human" I joked

"Just eat..."

I was confused. Was that insulting? Should I have not have said that?

Confusion wrapped my brain as I slowly began to eat.

As I ate I listened to those who conversed around me.

Normal conversations, small arguments, jokes, and talk about plans. It all seemed normal.

Like they were normal.

Not like that were inhuman, non mortal beings.

Like they were talking to family members or close friends. It seemed normal.

It reminded you of home. Back with Dad and my brother.

Back before dads death and before he disappeared.

I quietly sit and eat. Still wondering what i did wrong.

"If you need to get back to your room just say something."

He said it so coldly....

He got up and was gone within the second.

All I was able to do was look up at the remaining 3 brothers.

A confused and concerned look lined me features as I expected answers.

But none came.

They remained silent.

Not a single word was exchanged but I knew they were conversing among themselves.

I hated this. I hated being in the dark when I clearly caused said situation.

"may someone bring me to my room please..."

I said just above a whisper.

Sally quickly shot up and grabbed my hand.

Rose Petals (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now