Part.31 New Cravings

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I then went back to my own. Munching on the food on my plate.

But a craving for something else was arising more and more as I sat he at this table.

Human flesh.

All I could think about that as I cut small portions off the steak on my plate was the human flesh slightly farther down from me.

'Is it normal to being craving it so badly? God I'm so disappointed with myself.'

'I mean you're carrying my kid, and it's all I really eat, so you're gonna crave it. The kid wants it. I won't judge if you ate some, or I can snag you some later?'

'I....I don't know'

I sat in silence the rest of meal. My mind lingering on what he had told me. I care so deeply for this interesting creature. It seems he cares for me as well.

I'd hope so seeing as how I'm caring his child.

I think back to a little less then a year ago I had been alone. In a home of my own with Oliver. Now I'm in a mansion in the middle of the woods surrounded by killers and canibals.

What an interesting turn of events.

It's not too bad. Im nicely cared for. Although I miss the city, going shopping in nice stores and grabbing food at different restaurants.

Maybe sometimes soon I'll be able to do that and more. Pick up some baby stuff and move my room around to accommodate the change.

Either way this is going to be a long 9 months.

I finish eating the food on my plate and make my way to the living room.

BEN is sitting playing games while Jeff was in his phone.

'When did these guys finish eating?'

I sat down at the end of the couch, hoping for a small nap when a happy go lucky little one ran up to me.

My little Sally.

"Hey sweetheart what can I do for you?"

"How long until the baby gets here? I wanna playyyy"

The small girl whined.

"Sweetheart that's not how baby's work, it's going to be a long time before it's here. It's not like a friend coming over. I have to hold it in my tummy for a few more months."


Sally whined even more at the fact she had to wait. I was surprised that this 8 year old girl didn't know how baby's and pregnancy worked.

Her excitement was adorable though. She was going to be the best big cousin.

Before I had a chance to say another word the young girl had run off. Calling for her adopted father.

"Ööööö Ṡöṁëöṅë'ṡ ïṅ ẗṛöüḅḷëëë!"

Jeff teased the young woman.

"Oh shut the fuck up!"

You knew trouble was a word not used to describe you. Never would be.

At least that was the plan. Even when associated with all the people living in this house you weren't trouble. Still a good person.

Only pregnant with a human eating creatures baby.

Ok yeah doesn't sound the best but here we are. No changing the past Y/n. Never can. Just keep looking forward.

Rose Petals (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now