Chapter.9 Another note

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There they saw a pale skinny man thing crouched down.

'That is no man' this was the only thought their panicked brain could think.

Y/n led the children inside. Putting the smallest one down and grabbing her dog stuff off the floor.

"Where are you're parents? I would like to talk to them"

They made it clear the children weren't in trouble. She went door to door dropping kids off and explaining the situation to their parents.

All of which thank them and wished her well. Once the last child was back with their parents, Y/n made their way back to her apartment.

Oliver happily followed in suit. He sat by the young adults feet as they opened the door to his new home.

Y/n let the dog run in. Putting stuff down as she watched the excited puppy behavior.

The young woman couldn't help but smile. The young puppy brought life into her otherwise quiet and lonely home.

I started to put his bowls on the floor, filling one with water. I place his bed next to the couch and filled his food bowl.

Tossing his new toys around seemed to be so fun to him. "Are you having fun? Huh buddy?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're so cute!"

I walk into the kitchen to put his food in a lower cabinet. That's when I see it. Another letter with a rose neatly placed on top.

'Oh god'

I could feel myself shaking. I begin to panic as I snatch the letter off the counter and rush into the living room.

I set it down on the coffee table. All I can do is stare. I don't know what else to do.

I don't have anyone to come and comfort me. I'm alone. Except for Oliver.

My angel.

I hear the squeaking of his toy. It pulls me out of my thoughts. When I look next to me I see his big dopy face holding a toy excitedly.

"You're adorable you know that?" I couldn't help but smile.

He makes me feel safe already.

"What kind of magic are you" I scrunch his face. He just licks my hand and walks off to play with his toys.

"What a strange little man" I laughed again before remembering the note that sat in front of me.

Should I read it? Or just leave it unopened for the police to read. Let them find out what's inside.

I decide to read it.

'Hello dear,
It been a while huh? What happened to your little friend? He left didn't he? He was never good enough for you. No one is. Im the only person who will ever understand you.
You're alone now dear. You'll be alone forever. But don't worry, we'll be alone together. One day you'll see me. We'll be together. You're mine.

With so much love O.F.'

I gagged. Like physically gag. I can't help it. It's disgusting. This man is disgusting.

I drop the note on the table. I can't even look at it. I check the time on my phone. It's 11:09 pm.

It's late.

"Oliver! C'mere boy!"

The happy puppy rushed over. Tail swinging like a deadly weapon.

"Bed time! Who excited for bed time? Who's excited for your first night in your new home?"

He just wiggled. His tail moving so fast it shook his whole body. It was adorable.

I walk to my room, Oliver at my heel, to get changed. Once changed I hope under the covers of my bed, inviting Oliver.

He hops under the blanket and curls up next to me. As happy as could be. After a while I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Time skip💜
I woke up to motion in the living room. Feeling around my best Oliver is gone.

I wait thinking he's getting food. But after what feels like 5 minutes go return. Not even the sound of food crunching as he eats.

So I swing my feet out of bed and walk into the living room.

In the dark I see a large figure sitting on the couch, Oliver excitedly greeting the new thing. Wiggling and licking the figure.

All I could do is stand in shock.

The figure turns to me, a sharp grin on his face.

I rush to the lights and turn them on. Nothing.

Oliver looks around in confusion. It wasn't just me who saw him there. Oliver did too.

He stretched and walked back into my room. I followed behind shutting off the living room lights and turning on my own.

I shut the door and lock it. Turning on my tv and finding Netflix to put on a show.

I sit there watching it until the sun comes up.

"What a hell of a night" I say to the puppy at my side. He just yawns and looks at me, then rests his head on my leg.

"Sleepy baby" he falls asleep shortly after and I continue to watch the show playing on the tv.

I check the time. It's 6:37. 'God I'm tired'

I lay back

I shoot up at the sound of scratching at my door. Sighing I get up, Oliver wants out.

I open the door and follow the puppy out into the main house. I go in the kitchen and grab something for breakfast.

Sitting down on the couch I turn on the same show that was playing in my room.

Watching the show I hear the quiet crunching of Oliver eating his breakfast.

One finished my food I place the bowl down on the table in front of me. Oliver comes over and sniffed it going to take a lick....

"HEY! No leave it" I scold the dog and he lays down in defeat.

"My goodness you're not even close to a guard dog" thinking back to last night, when he greeted that shadow and gave it love.

"We could've been killed and you just greeted them" I cooed at the puppy.

His ears went up and he wagged his tail.

"There isn't a thought behind those eyes huh?"

There really wasn't. Just a big dummy. A dummy who was the reason she saw that creature to begin with.

With all the noise he was making it was still a warning to go check what he was doing.

"You're such a good boy"

Rose Petals (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now