Part.29 Breaking the News

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"I'll see you soon?"

"You should."

"Ok...goodbye for now, dear friend"

"Goodbye for now Y/n, and once again congratulations  on your child"

"Thank you..."

And with that I awoke. Not like I usually do. It was gentle. Like waking from a nap.

"I love you Angel. You mean a lot to me"

After the abnormally gentle awakening I moved myself to the bathroom.

My lover should be home within the next day or so and yet I still haven't come up with a way to tell him yet.

The panic set in. I felt even more nauseous. I fall over the toilet, throwing up everything from the night before.

I didn't know what to do and how was I supposed to explain this.

When I heard the small tap of paws it hit me.

I could use Oliver. I don't have to say a thing.

I got the idea to just hook it to his collar and let him run to offender while I was showering.

It was the perfect idea.

So I prepared the test and grabbed Oliver's collar. Taking it off and wriggling the test to stay on.

I then put it down on my dresser, await for him either later today or tomorrow.

I then realized maybe Jack new when they're be home exactly.

I went on the hunt for him, making sure to lock my door on the way out. My fuzzy little guy weaving between my legs before stick right at my side.

He's being unusually protective. He knows. I know he does.

"Aren't you a good boy?"

I scratch his head as I walk. I enjoy these times alone. Too many people around this place. Even when I have my own room I constantly have someone wanting to place something chill or just check on me.

It was horrible. You can't begin to-

I bump into something. Well someone. It was Jeff I glare up at him. Not wanting to deal with this mega asshole.

Oliver's fur stood on end. Stressing both of us out.


Oliver growled.


"̷I̷ ̷d̷i̷d̷n̷'̷t̷ ̷m̷e̷a̷n̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷b̷u̷m̷p̷ ̷i̷n̷t̷o̷ ̷y̷a̷ ̷e̷a̷r̷l̷i̷e̷r̷.̷ ̷T̷h̷a̷t̷ ̷w̷a̷s̷ ̷m̷y̷ ̷b̷a̷d̷.̷.̷"̷

"It's fine."

"̷Y̷k̷n̷o̷w̷ ̷s̷i̷n̷c̷e̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷r̷ ̷k̷n̷o̷c̷k̷e̷d̷ ̷u̷p̷ ̷a̷n̷d̷ ̷a̷l̷l̷.̷.̷"̷

I froze.

Unable to put words together for a second.

Oliver pushing his way in front of me, moving me back slightly.

"excuse me...WHAT?!"

"̷O̷h̷ ̷s̷h̷i̷t̷ ̷m̷y̷ ̷b̷a̷d̷,̷ ̷a̷r̷e̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷ ̷n̷o̷t̷?̷"̷

I quiet down but still can't help but panic.

" do you know?"

"̷N̷o̷ ̷I̷ ̷w̷e̷n̷t̷ ̷s̷n̷o̷o̷p̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷i̷n̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷ ̷b̷a̷g̷s̷ ̷J̷a̷c̷k̷ ̷b̷r̷o̷u̷g̷h̷t̷ ̷b̷a̷c̷k̷ ̷a̷n̷d̷ ̷I̷ ̷s̷a̷w̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷ ̷t̷e̷s̷t̷.̷ ̷H̷e̷ ̷w̷a̷s̷ ̷a̷l̷s̷o̷ ̷k̷i̷n̷d̷a̷ ̷p̷r̷o̷t̷e̷c̷t̷i̷v̷e̷ ̷w̷h̷e̷n̷ ̷I̷ ̷w̷a̷s̷ ̷p̷u̷s̷h̷e̷d̷ ̷i̷n̷t̷o̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷ ̷s̷o̷ ̷I̷ ̷f̷i̷g̷u̷r̷e̷d̷...̷"̷

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