Chapter.8 The torture

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(It's been a while ik, I've been busy with school and a new relationship / going back to this it's def not new we've been together for 7months
Another update I've been busy and putting this off but I'm working on it now)
They'll be completely alone.

Alone and scared. She'll have no one. Then i'll take her. I'll feast of their sweet flesh.

All this for a snack. What have i come to?

Offender's POV
I arrived at my brothers house.

I wanted to rip that disgrace apart. Leave parts of him all over the city to find.

But he's supposed to disappear. Without a single trace. No one can know we're he went.


He hung his head low. Not even acknowledging my arrival.

I grab him by his hair and force him to look at me. Right where my eyes WOULD be. If I were normal.

The look on his face is priceless. He look terrified.

"Where am I? Where's Y/N? What have you done with them? WHO ARE YOU?"

"You talk way too much. She's fine at home. Alone. Without you. As for who I am? It does matter. Where you are doesn't either, youll be in too much pain to think about caring. You Pest"

He stared. Just stared. Fucking idiot.

"Well? Are you going to say anything?"

"What did I do to deserve this? I was helping my friend, keeping her safe from someone who's been stalking her. I didn't do anything to spite the devil himself."

"You flatter me, I'm not the devil, not even close. The devil himself is a worse creature. One that shows no mercy. You can't keep them safe. Not from a human and definitely not from me, I-


"ENOUGH. You will not speak to me in such way. You disgusting fucking pest. You think I want her for my own? I want to eat her. Feast of their flesh."

He was speechless and wide eyed. He tried to find his words but nothing.

He opened his mouth. Nothing.

"Exactly. There is nothing. Nothing. You can do. You worthless piece of shit. You'll die here. No one will know."

And with that I left him to the will of my brother and his followers. They can have their way with him. Weather it be slow and painful or fast and painless is all up to them.

I need to go visit my Little Rose.

I sat alone in on the couch watching a movie. A Disney movie.

I can stomach anything else. Not with what's been going on.

I occasionally broke down crying. I miss one of my best friends. Even if he hurt me. I still love him. He was one of the only people I had left.

I haven't showered in 3 days. Gross. But I just couldn't.

My apartments a mess but I don't have the will to clean it.

My hair is matted and unbrushed. But it's too much work.

I've lost all motivation to do anything. I lost one of my best friends. I don't know what to do with myself.

I feel so useless.

"I could really go for come crepes right about now"

I get up and head to my room, I mindlessly look through my dresser until I find something cute but comfortable (whatever you'd like) and headed toward the bathroom.

Rose Petals (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now