Part.18 Moving again.

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I flung the door open, let Oliver go and leaped over the back of the couch.

I flopped over on it and almost passed out right away.

Hoodie's POV (A change ik)

The girl had fallen asleep the moment they hit the couch. Her small apartment was nice, big enough for her and the big dog trailing after Offender.

While she slept me and Masky were told to just chill out in the living room, Toby was told to just make sure no one was watching through and windows.

That meant he was up and about every five minutes or so. Going from window to window to the balcony and back to his sitting position on the floor by her feet.

He doesn't know how to feel about her.

It's easy to see from just his eyes and the way his tics act up. He's unsure about this whole thing.

And I don't blame him one bit.

Offender was in their room, packing up clothes, blankets, a few stuffed animals, trinkets and pictures from around the room.

Occasionally sticking something she wouldn't miss in his pocket.

'What a weirdo.'

His head shot in my direction. It didn't bother me and I continue what I was doing.

After all what did he expect? I don't apologize. Not when it's the truth at least.

Soon he picked up a few of the boxes and disappeared. Probably bringing them to Slenders.

Me, Masky and Toby continued to watch Netflix on their tv. Although it will probably be going too.

The dog quickly rushed up to me with a big stupid grin. He sniffed me intensely. He sniffed, and sniffed, and sniffed.

Then he slid down, laying down next to me. He looked up at me then laid his head on my lap. Letting out a huff as he did so.

I didn't know what to do at first, thinking maybe it way a trap. But after a minute he began to snore.

Soon after I placed a hand on his head, I began to pet the big dog. Scratching behind his ears and petting his head.

A sweet but scary dog. Pretty good defense. For her at least, she doesn't seem to have anyone else anyway.

The moment of silence was disrupted by their phone ringing.

It kept ringing, not waking her up at all.


The ringing stopped. The mood went back to normal, with us watching Netflix and me petting the big pile of mush on my lap.

A minute or 2 goes by and the phone starts to ring again.

"Oh for fuck sake, wake her up will ya?"

Once Masky had said that I turned to face her in my knees. Once I was I began to gently shake them.

Rose Petals (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now