Part.15 Little one

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He then picked me up and sat in the warm bath with me.

"An amazing end to something truly blissful"

As I lean against his my eyes feel heavy, I'm the warm comfortable bath, I fall into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up in my bed, I was dressed in shorts and a black tank top.

'Did earlier happen? Or was it just a dream?'

I got out of bed to my legs being sore as all hell.

'Definitely happened'

I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror to see the damage that was caused by the activities done that morning.

"Beautiful isn't it? Everyone gets to know you belong to me"

"It's something that's for sure, and belong to you?"

I look at him in the mirror. A large smile on his face and a dumb one on my own.

"Yes my dear, mine. You're my soul bound mate"

My faced dropped.

'A mate? So just a sex thing, I see'

"Not just a sex thing dear, just benefits for now. We must get to know each other more, yes?"

"You're right we barely know each other" I laugh at the thought of being with someone who I barely know AND stalked me.

Although I wasn't mad about either. Not anymore, anyway.

"I must ask you a favor my dear"

"Of course, what's up?"

"Would you come with me to my brothers? All of my brothers will be meeting there and Sally needs someone to keep an eye on her while we talk. You'll only be in either Sally's room or in the room with me and my brothers."

I just looked at him at first.

"Only if you want to of course, little rose"

"Why would you even ask that?"

"I'm sorry I knew it was a bad idea, I should've been more considering to your feelings I'm so-"

"I'm just joking you bug dumbass, I'll obviously go, I love that kid! She's awesome!"

He sighed and just rapped his arms around my waist. Relief washing over him.

"Just let me get ready, ok?"

He nodded and let me go to change into something more presentable.

I grab (favorite shirt) and a pair of (favorite shorts) as well as a bra and a pair of underwear.

I took off the cloths I was and put on the new one. Then grabbed my brush and brushed my (h/l) (h/c) hair.

I grabbed a pair of socks on my way out of my bed room.

I plopped down on the couch to slip the socks on, while I did this Offender brings my shoes over to me.

I put my shoes on, suddenly Oliver appears out of nowhere and excitedly jumps around.

"Sorry buddy, you can't come this-

"Of course he can!"

Offender grabs Oliver's leash and clips it onto his collar.

He scooped up Oliver like he was nothing. It's funny how small Oliver looks compared to Offender. He looked like a puppy that was only a few months old.

I laugh at this before I put my shoes on and walk over to the tall man. I place my hand on his forearm and look up with a smile.

Suddenly I felt the floor disappear from underneath me. I felt like I was falling.

I quickly grabbed onto Offenders arm. A wave of nausea washed over me.

As soon as the floor disappeared it was back again. The nauseous feeling was replaced with dread.


The familiar voice of Sally brought me back to reality.

"I wasn't going to but Offender insisted."

Oliver jumped onto Sally the moment he was put down. Tail wagging to much he began to wiggle.

"If you need anything have Sally bring you to me, ok?"

"Ok!" I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before going to play with Sally.

She wanted to play dolls. So that's what we did. Then we played dress up. Oliver was the most handsome princess.

I felt like I was reliving my childhood. The fun I had with my dad.

"Mrs Y/N"

"Yes Sally?"

"I'm bored can we go watch tv?"

"I don't see a problem with it."

I grab Oliver's leash and follow Sally out of her room. As we walked down the maze of hallways I found myself in a living room, a big Tv hung on the wall across the door, 2 big black couches sat in the room as well.

One of them was a few feet from the door and the other was against the wall next to it.

Someone with blonde hair sat on the couch in front of us. A dog was laying under the coffee table.


Sally whines at the blonde boy, Ben.


"I wanna watch Tv with my friendddd, use the one in your room!"


He locked eyes with me. Both of ours eyes widened.

His eyes black and red. Not even close to normal. I instinctively take a step back.


"Of course he knows you dummy! Now get out I wanna watch a movie!"

We just continue to stare at each other for a few minutes before he got and and made his was to the tv.

I thought he was going to change the hdmi setting or something but nope.

Mother fucker literally jumped through the tv screen. I don't know how the fuck he did it but he did.

"What? How? Why? You know what never mind."

Me and Sally went and sat down. Oliver took his place by my feet. We sat and watch tv, Sally seemed to enjoy Strawberry Shortcake.

As we watched and sang along to the occasional song I felt like we were being watched.

I shrugged it off at first but The moment I felt cold metal against my neck, I realized I had fucked up, bad.

Rose Petals (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now