Chapter 4 - Curious

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Four days more and college will be finally over. After the chat Dave and I had, he never talked to me. I am not sure if he was purposely avoiding me or he finds it awkward. Either way I am going to find out. I pulled out my phone, which Prof Hampton returned after an hour of sermon, and clicked his name on the messenger. I looked around to see if he’s within my radius of sight. I typed my message as I found him walking out the university gate.


                I immediately turned off my phone and walked out. He was nowhere. So I grabbed my jacket and walked home.

                There are plenty of things in my mind. What will I do after graduation? What the hell does Dave wants? What will happen to me now? How about my so-called friends? Do I even have friends? Who survives alone? I looked up as I saw a shadow hovering me.

“Hey Jane? Sorry I was not looking.” I bit my lower lip.

“Have you seen Dave?” Jane looked worried.

“Uh, I saw him going out the gates earlier? Any dates?” I pretended I didn’t knew.

“Supposed to be, yeah?” she answered. My heart stopped. They are still dating?

“So, how are the both of you?” I hid the anger in my voice.

“We were bestfriends before we dated. So I guess now we’re back to bestfriends.” She told me. I can see the hurt in her eyes. I am such a slut. How could I do this to her?

“Goodluck finding him!” I waved goodbye to Jane. Now my head is more confused on things. I am confused to everything and I don’t know what to do. I may have liked Dave since the first time I met him but Jane met him way before that. And I know Dave won’t take me seriously. Who am I? I am not even as pretty or as hot as Jane. I shrugged the door open and went straight to my room.

I opened up my phone and saw a message from Dave.

*Hey hotness

Doing anything tonight?

*Maybe gonna watch Dr. Who, you?

Maybe sleeping haha!

*Ow, it’s a shame you’re sleeping already. You know with that hot body of yours.

HAHAHA! Jane’s hotter. You should get back with her.

*Past is past pretty. Let’s not talk about it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


*Wanna watch Dr. Who with me?


*Wayy sure. I’mma wait for ya

I stared at my phone. I can’t believe I just agreed to this. Maybe Dave does like me. And I am going to find out.

I raced down to Dave’s house. No one was there so I invited myself up to his room.

He looked at me as I opened the door.

“Hey!” He greeted me with warm smile. He patted the space next to him in his bed as he stares at his laptop.

“So…” I noticed that he was playing my favorite songs. “Sick playlist. We have the same tracks.” I laughed. I froze when I felt his body on my back. He slid his arms around me and pecked my neck.

“What?” I asked him.

“You are so pretty. And your skin looks really good.” He drew closer invading my personal space. Before I knew it, he is kissing me. A normal and sound mind would push him away and go home. But my sick mind kissed him back playing with his tongue and sucked in the clean smell of his shirt.


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