Chapter 18 - Rescue

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I woke up with the sound of police car nearing the place where I am in. I fluttered my eyes open and saw that I was no longer in the room from what looks like a motel. I am curled up in a corner of a tall old room and my hands are tied back still. I saw Dave ran up to me from god knows where.

“ Alice! Alice! The cops are here. They’ve been following us even at the motel and they wire-tapped the phones so they know the plan. Lea’s running out right now leaving us behind.”

I tried to reply but the urgency in his voice shut me off.

“ I’ll hide right now and you might not see me for I-don’t-know how long. But please. Please know that I liked you ever since freshmen year but I was a jerk. I ask for your forgiveness and its okay if you can’t answer that right now. But if ever I get caught or what, know that I mean no harm to you and Logan anymore. My tie with Lea is over.” he was speaking so fast that I had a hard time digesting what he has said.

Before I could say anything back, he kissed my lips and ran off. I was left shocked and hanging. I can’t explain what I am feeling right now. My emotions got stirred up so fast I just help myself focus on breathing.

I looked up the darkness and heard a gunshot. I silently pray that no one is killed today even when my entire mind hopes Lea dies. Right now, I just hate her so much. But I am trying to see her point from her perspective. She must have lived roughly. But that’s not an excuse to resort to this.

Everyone has their own battles and giving up isn’t always the answer, it just removes the chance of ever finding a solution. And Lea should know that.

I heard more gunshots and I curled myself up into a ball hoping that those bullets won’t cross any skin from here.

It feels like an eternity sitting there feeling scared to the guts. I can still hear the siren but there’s no more gunshots with made me mouth a silent thank you to the heavens. I waited and I can hear steps echoing. Then I heard my name.


I woke up in the sound of beeps. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Realization hit me and I immediately realized I was in the hospital. I opened my eyes only to be strained by the white walls.

“ Hey how are feeling hun?” Logan’s deep blue eyes looked at me.

I examined myself. No major injuries, just small cuts here and there and healing bruises all over my arm.

“ How long-“ Logan cut me off mid-sentence. “ Just two days babe.” He reached for my hand and squeezed it.

I gazed at this lovely face making my hand feel the side of his face. His eyes are droopy and tired and his face went a little bit slimmer.

“Logan, I’m sorry.” Was all I could say. Looking from the change on his expression.

“ Baby, you have nothing to be sorry for. It’s not your fault.”

“ I missed you Logan. I am so sorry.”

“ Hush now babe. You’re safe here with me. I am not letting you go anywhere without me.” He chuckled.

“ even a bathroom breaks?” I raised a brow.

“ even at bathroom breaks.” He chuckled and his face grew a little but cheery.

“So tell me what happened.” I got up to a sitting position as Logan adjusts himself by my side.

“Lea was behind it. She said she’s with no one.” A part of me was shocked that Lea took all the blame.

“She was running off but the cops manage to shoot the car down and she was caught.” He continued.

He must have sense the tears coming that he hugged me lightly and kissed my cheek.

“ I am sorry baby. This won’t happen again. I will increase the security. You don’t have to be scared.”

I looked at him removing the space between us.

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