Chapter 14 - Surprise

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A part of me was hoping that the cheating incident is just a dream. But flashing news from twitter flooded my feed as rumors of Logan cheating on me flew like daggers. There were tags asking if it was true and if we are still together and all of that crap.

The picture I posted also got more favorites and shares, guessing where I am. Almost twenty per cent of the guesses were true but I don’t want to say anything. I am in my mini-exile and I wanted to take advantage to the fact that no one really knows me here. I looked at my messages and I got 73 messages from Logan all saying he was sorry in 73 different ways and paragraph arrangement.

I looked up the sunrise and talked to myself.

What’s the big deal? He just kissed someone. It’s not really cheating. Is it?

I mean Alice, he said he is sorry and he’ll never do it again. What are the chances he’ll do it again?

For Pete’s sake, he broke your trust. What more can you give? And he expects you to forgive him?

Why would he even love you in the first place? You’re from two different worlds. He’s almost near perfect and girls would love it if you two break up totally.

But don’t you believe him when he says he love you? But he never said those words Alice! He never really said ‘I love you’.

But you’re taking your time right? He said he was willing to wait.

Alice what are you gonna do? Don’t mess with Logan.

But is it really love? Or I am just one of Logan’s charity case?

“Alice.” A panting Logan broke my thoughts as I looked at him, my mouth hanging open.

“L-loga-n.” I sat there, frozen in shock. He held his breathe and tried to steady himself.

“Alice.” He called me once again and took out his hand reaching for me. Instinct made me back a step behind.

“Alice. Baby, I am so sorry.” His eyes were glossy. I may know what’s next. He stopped at his steps and I tried to open my mouth.

“L-logan, h-how did y-you found m-me?” I have no idea why I am stammering.

“The picture you posted.” He breathes hard. “I asked everyone if anyone knows about it. I even begged Lea but she won’t spill. She said you made her promise. But baby, I wanted to find you. I wanted to see you.” He reached for my hand. I took my hand away from him.

“What if.” I looked at him firmly. “What if I don’t want to see you?”

The shock in his face hunted me. I hated myself for doing this. But a part of me is satisfied for unknown reason. Whatever it is, I feel like I am stepping between two boats that are drifting apart.

“Do you hate me that much Alice?” he looked down almost kneeling.

“I don’t hate you that much Logan. You broke my trust. You know my history Logan. And I thought you were different. Why would you kiss her Logan? You have me. I know it may sound childish since it’s just a kiss. But it means everything to me.” I can feel the lump forming in my throat.

“I have nothing to explain baby. It’s my entire fault.” Oh god my Logan’s crying.

“Stop crying. I am not even worth it.” I tried to sound hard. I still don’t know what to do.

“You are worth everything to me Alice. And I am ready to do whatever you want, whatever it taked for you to forgive me. Just go back to me Alice.  Please. I am begging you.” He lunched forward and kneeled in front of me.

In some days, I would probably be happy being dominant over anyone in my life. But right now, seeing Logan kneel and break down feels way too far from dominance. I feel weak and bad and unforgiveable for that I’ve made him do.

“Logan please. Please stand.” I tried to lift him up.

“No Alice. Please take me back. Let’s go home.” He sobbed loudly and random people are starting to notice us.

“Logan. Please stand up. Let’s talk about this inside.” He looked at me and wiped his eyes. I turned around to walk inside the cottage but Logan managed to hug be from behind. He rested his wet chin on my shoulder and breathing my scent.

“Don’t break up with me. Losing you might kill me.” My breathing must have stopped. He held my hand and waited for my answer. He walked pass me and stopped beside me. I looked away and walked to where the cottage is, still holding his hand. I may be too shocked to even say anything. I never really thought Logan felt this way. Hell, I never really thought anyone could feel this way about me.

We reached inside and Logan immediately closed the door and pulled me into a hug. His sobbing stopped and he is much calmer now.

The silence was unforgiving.

I hate how I managed to break Logan’s heart. But he broke mine too.

“Baby?” he cupped my face into his hands, as he broke the silence.

“Baby, Alice. I love you. Please forgive me.” He searched my eyes looking for an answer.

“Logan.” I sighed and he let go of my face. “I don’t know if I can trust you anymore. We both know you’ll have more tours or movies or projects to face. What if somewhere somehow you find someone better than me? Will you cheat again? Will this happen again?”

Pain is the only thing his eyes expressed.

“Alice. I never found someone better than you. I was just weak at that time and let temptation take the best of me. You’re the best I ever had Alice and I won’t change it for the world. I know I broke your trust. But let me help you trust me again. Please Alice.”

I am deep doubt if I could trust Logan again. But I have to take that faith in him. I love him and I will make that leap of faith. I will give Logan another chance to prove himself. I should not be selfish. I am most privileged when someone like Logan popped into my life and loved me.

“I love you too.” I smiled at him. His face lit up like a light saber drowned in darkness. His eyes twinkled not from tears but from happiness. I can’t help but tear a little to see him so happy.

“Oh Alice! Alice. I love you! I missed you. I won’t let you go ever again.” He repeated as he hugged me tighter than ever.

“Logan?”  “Yes baby?” “Can’t. Breathe.” He let go and smiled his genuine smile.

We decided to stay the night in the cottage and go back to my place in the morning.

As we lay in bed, hand interlocked, Logan shared what I missed in his day to day activity. He even posted a picture of our hands and posted it on twitter to calm down raging fans about the cheating incident. He never let go of my hand even when I asked him so I could go and drink water. He became a little possessive but still cute. I snuggled into his chest and inhaled that familiar scent which calmed me down and made me drift to sleep.

I woke up feeling cold. I fluttered my eyes open and realized Logan was not here. I sat down immediately and saw a cellphone smashed into pieces. My heart sank and my sweats moved into the surface.

What happened here? What did Logan do? Where the fuck is Logan?

I picked up the phone and realized it was not mine. I rushed out the cottage and saw Logan sitting on the hammock with his hands covered in bandage. I approached him slowly and he flinched a little knowing I was walking towards him.

“Hey beautiful.” He smiled a little but I can see the rage in his eyes. What happened this time?

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