Chapter 16 - The Return

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My heart is racing to the roof I catch my breath hoping to calm myself down, but apparently can’t. I held my heart in my hand feeling like it’s about to burst out anytime. I am not athletic and running was never my liking. I never liked the feeling of being sweaty all over but right now, all I can do is run anywhere where I am safe.

“Come out baby, I know you’re here.” A voice boomed as I steady my breathing.

I crouched a little down forming a ball to hide myself.

How did I go from buying coffee to running for my life?


I went to the coffee shop this morning feeling like the sun is on me. I walked talking advantage of the good weather. I was about to turn left on the corner of the street when someone grabbed my waist and pulled me into a blue car. I was not able to see who the captor was and my fights and shouts became futile as his huge hand covered my face completely. My body was already inside but my feet were kicking their way out. I managed to gulp in air and bit the man’s hand and run away as fast as I could. I never really had any ‘walks’ so I am not familiar with the closed streets or any abandoned places. But when adrenaline pounds your heart like crazy, your mind suddenly clams up for places to hide.

And now to the current situation I am in. I hear footsteps and I know the man is near.

My hands are overly shaking but I managed to text Tom since I had the most recent conversation with her on my phone.

Sm1 is chasing me. Pls call cops. Pls I beg u. tel logan. I may b n dngr

I was never the type of person to text in shortcuts but I have to maximize the time I have. I hit send and looked up. As if on cue, the man saw me peeping and run to my direction immediately.

“Oh dear, why are you running?” he caught my leg and yanked to his direction.

“Please!!! Let go of me!” I was begging for my life. My mind is already on haywire rethinking about life. What if I die? I can’t die. I have to live my life.

“Oh no, I won’t do that sweetie.” He spat. “Dave, will kill me if I kill you.” He grinned mischievously.

Oh shit! Dave? Dave did this? Why? For all I know, I’m no longer usable to him. He took my virginity on college. He got what he wanted. Is he for ransom? But I am not rich.

Why am I so unlucky? Of all people that can abduct me, it can’t be Dave. But I am little thankful it’s not those mafia or drug dealers looking for fun. But it’s no difference. Dave might kill me. And it’s obvious he is out of his mind.

I remembered the text that was sent to Logan. This maybe it. That must be Dave.

I was carried blindfolded and my mouth taped into a car. In all honesty, I was tired than hell from all those running and hiding. The man caught me curling up in a corner frozen earlier. But I don’t want to let my mind drift off to sleep. I should know where this man is taking me. I reached for my phone only realizing that my hands are tied behind my back.


This is exactly a scene from those action movies and I just pray to God I am in the winning side.

As I mentally fight myself, the car stopped and I heard the car door open.

“We are here sweetie.” The man reached for me and carried me like a carcass ready to be chopped.

I heard distant murmurs and footsteps but everything is so alien to me. I don’t know if I’ve been there but where could Dave possibly put me right now that I am his hostage and that Tom must have called the cops right now. I was slumped into a couch and I can feel that someone is loosening the ties on my hands.

The persons quickly removed the tape from my mouth which obviously hurt and must have left red marks all over.

He finally removed my blindfold and my eyes adjusted to sudden brightness.

“Hello there baby!” A deep voice greeted me. I blinked to see where the voice is coming from.

From the twist of my stomach, I immediately knew who it was.

“What do you want Dave?” I mumbled enough for him to hear. I let my eyes wander around. The place looked like a motel and only Dave and I are in the room. My heart sank knowing that I am in deep danger and I have no idea on what intentions Dave possibly have.

“Well, I’m here to claim what’s mine from the very beginning.” He rubbed his chin and walked slowly towards me. After all those years, he still got that sex appeal he always had. His face seemed to look exactly the same but he grew a little beard.

I tried to hide the lumping of fear on my throat. “I was never yours Dave. You used me.” I wanted to look away to hide the pain. I might be dying right now but I have to look him in the eyes like I never had before. I need to look at him and make him feel all the pain I had when he left me the next morning with just a fucking note. I want him to feel the struggles I had with myself when he refused to talk to me or even look at me after that night happened. Before I knew it, all the bottled up emotions boiled to the surface. I am no longer a little braver than I was. I am silently crying, remembering the hell I’ve been through.

I saw Dave’s lips opened wanting to say something but was interrupted by the creaking sound of the door letting us know someone is coming.

All I heard was heels clicking against the wooden floor before my heart sank further as I look up and saw another person.  

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