Chapter 6 - Delighted. Not.

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Hello guys! Thank you for reading Never Again. Wanna share with you that this story sprung from real life events, but not the exact. 

Anyway I have an old story entitled Another Sunset which I wrote years ago but just got posted when I made my wattpad account. I also have complete short stories.

Thank you for taking your time reading my stories it meant so much! xxx


“Have I seen you before Logan?” I asked sipping my coffee. I looked up to and caught him looking at me.

“What? Do if have a dirt on my face?” I tried to humor the awkwardness.

“No, but you looked very sad.” He continued looking.

I was surprised by this. Was that obvious? Of course I would be sad from my Dave experience.

“Maybe. I don’t know. It’s nothing that concerns you.” I half-smiled.

“You haven’t told me your name yet.” He nudged my arm with his coffee.

“Alice. My name’s Alice Grent.” I smiled at this stranger and looked out the window seeing the cars passing by. How peaceful this day is, aside from seeing Dave and Lea which is now on the list of people I hate and getting bumped by this Logan-guy.

“Well, I’ll introduce myself again.” I looked back at him.

“I’m Logan. Lerman. Logan Lerman.” And he smiled at me.

I took me a while to digest his name.

“Oh Shit! For real?” That’s why he is so familiar! I’ve seen him all over tumblr and boy was he hot. My mouth dropped and I may seriously looked so dumb right now.

“Well you’re the first to question my identity.” He chuckled. It was like a baby’s laugh only manlier. He looked at me again, making sure I am not out of his gaze.


What a crazy day, eh?

That was definitely the last thing on my mind, to meet a celebrity, seriously hot celebrity.

I looked at the tissue folded in my pocket and stared at it.

Geez, he even wrote his number down. Should I call him? Why would I call him? Am I even worthy to call him? What will I say if I call? SHOULD I CALL?!!

I probably looked like a crazy person pacing back and forth in my room. I grabbed my phone and opened my twitter account. I was about to tweet something about this crazy day when I saw a notification. The screws in my jaw must be broken right now because my mouth literally opened with shock.

Logan Lerman requested to follow

SHIT! Shit shit shit! Why would he follow me? Should I allow him to follow me? But I just got 10 followers, he’s the eleventh. Oh god. Should I? Or should I not? I clenched my fist as the cold sweat drop from my head. I closed my eyes and hit the check button allowing him to follow me. I manically bit my fist and waited.

Logan Lerman is following you.

Should I follow back now? Should I follow back later? I may look easy to get or a fangirl? Should I even follow him back?

I remembered how sleepy you should be after counting sheeps. So I tried. And tried. And tried. Until I was tired of my own head having her own thoughts, I opened my laptop looking at the time which is 2:33 in the morning. I opened my twitter again and stared blankly. I went to Logan’s profile and.

I clicked follow.

He should be asleep this time. Of course who stays awake in this time of the morning? Yeah sure. Me.

I don’t know why I stared for another ten minutes.

@LostAliceGrent Thanks for following back!

The horror in my face must be evident that when I looked at the mirror, I scared myself.

This is too good to be true. I can’t handle this. I can’t handle him coming into my life. Sure I am not a big deal but why would he even waste a minute of this time to tweet me? Why would he even waste his time with me? I don’t get it. The people around me seemed to have forgotten my existence and there he is, lighting a spark into my already dead life.

A sudden pang of pain hit my chest as I remembered Dave. It was the perfect night, for me. He was my first and he was amazing. But the next morning he’s gone with just a note.

Lock after yourself.

No smileys, no hearts, not even his name signed at the bottom. I remembered feeling hopeless and dead at the same time. That was too much of a heartbreak. I am too easy that’s why Dave used me. He might be even using me to get over Jane. God why am I so pathetic?

The last thing I remember is crying and maybe I feel asleep.

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