19. Cold Feet.

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I woke up early the day of my wedding. The guys were still sleeping and snoring loudly. I smiled widely when I thought about Victoria in her beautiful white dress walking down that aisle. I pictured the life we could have together and that's when my smile faded. What if she gets tired of me? What if she gets tired of getting mobbed by fans and paparazzi? What if she falls out of love with me? All these questions were going around in my head. A bunch of what if's and possible situations were there and I couldn't get rid of them. It was torturous to think about that but it could be true. I decided to get out of the apartment and have a nice walk to clear up my mind. She loves me, I'm sure of it. I decided to leave my phone at Calum's place and go out. I walked to a park that was nearby and sat on a bench, my head between my hands. I heard footsteps coming behind me and I rolled my eyes. It's way too early for paparazzi and fans to come towards me. "It's way too early, please" I said without even turning around to see who it was. "Relax, Luke. It's just me" said Ben as he put his hand on my back and took a seat next to me. I sighed and looked at him. "What if she leaves me after a while?" I asked him and he looks at me with a frown, confusion clear in his face. "What? Are you seriously asking me this right now? A few hours before to user married you start asking these things to yourself?" He said and I shook my head. I ran a hand through my hair and looked down at my feet. "I can't help it, Ben" I said softly and sighed. Ben shook his head and looked at me. "Listen, Luke. Today is the biggest day of your life. You're getting married to a great girl that loves you. I mean, you may not see it, but the way she looks at you speaks more than a thousand words. She won't leave you, I can assure you that. Yes, there may be up and downs in your marriage but there has been up and downs in your relationship before. I know Victoria and I know, everyone who knows her knows, that you mean the world to her and if she didn't love you, she would've said no" he said and I nodded. Ben was right. She loves me as much as I love her and she's the kind of girl that doesn't accept something or someone she doesn't want. I look at Ben and smile. "Thanks, I really needed to hear that" I said softly and stood up. Ben stood up after me and gave me a hug. "Everything will be alright" he said and pulled away from the hug. "Now lets go. You've got a wedding to attend to" he said and I chuckled. "I've got a wedding to attend to" I repeated softly under my breath and started to walk back to the house along with Ben.


When I arrived to where the ceremony was held, I saw everyone taking their seats and talking between them. Mackenzie still had time to arrive and I was getting more nervous by the second. I took out the note I had of my vows and I noticed my trembling hands. I don't know if I can do it. I'll be a terrible husband always leaving Mackenzie's side to go on tour. I pulled my hair back and then Ashton walked towards me. "Hey, Calum. Are you alright?" He said and I shook my head. Ashton frowned and put his hands on my shoulders. I looked at him and then shook my head, looking down at my feet. "I don't know if I can do it. I don't want to leave her every time I go on tour and be a horrible husband. And when we have kids, I want to be there the whole time. I don't want to leave her just to go on tour" I rambled on and Ashton shook his head, taking his hands from my shoulders. He sighed and fixed my tie. "Calum, that's your job. She understands. I'm sure you'll be a great husband, stop thinking that" he said and then I saw Luke rushing towards us. He noticed my nervous look and sighed. Ashton looked at Luke for a little bit of help because I was clearly not calm at all. "Calum Hood, you are such an idiot. I know that's not what you need to hear right now but you are. You want to know why? Because you're doubting yourself. I know you as well as any of the guys do and we know that you'll be a great husband to Mackenzie" he told me and I nodded. As bad as what Luke said sounded, it did make me feel a little better but still nervous. He received a text and looked up at me. "Calum, just picture her there. Walking down that aisle with a white dress and a smile on her face, completely ready to be Mrs. Hood" he whispered and I smiled at the thought. Just by the simple fact of knowing that the guys were there for me and that Mackenzie was truly ready to be my wife, I relaxed. The amount of nerves reduced to a number close to zero and it all got replaced by excitement. Just a few more minutes until Mackenzie gets here and I finally can call her my wife.


The moment I woke up, I knew that I wasn't in Ashton's apartment anymore. The soft spring breeze was crashing against my body making me shiver a little bit. I sat up carefully since I already knew I was in the lake near Ashton's apartment and sighed, looking around. The sun hasn't risen yet and I was thankful for that because the environment was still peaceful. No traffic sounds, no people around getting ready for work and no me getting ready for the wedding. Last night I had been thinking a lot about what would happen after Hope and I get married and my thoughts weren't the best. I felt like Hope wouldn't show up at the wedding and that scared the shit out of me. I wouldn't like to be left stranded there at the church while waiting for her but if she left, I wouldn't blame her. Who would want to be married to a rock star who is constantly on tour? Nobody. I looked up at the sky that was turning a baby blue colour and dim orange small light far into the distance where the sun was going to rise. I was in the middle of the lake and I was kind of thankful for that because that way I could have time for myself. Well, not for long. A few minutes later, I heard footsteps and then Calum calling my name. "Michael! How in the world did you get there?!" He asked and laughed at his own joke. I ignored him and looked down to the water. Why couldn't my mind be as clear as the water? "Michael, are you okay?" He asked and I looked back at him, shaking my head. Calum wasn't that far away from me since I was near the shore but he still had to almost yell so I could hear him. I took off my pants along with my socks and my shirt so I could swim back to shore. I left my clothes on the inflatable mattress in the middle of the lake and then swam back to the shore to get there with Calum. "Who would want to marry me, Cal?" I asked as I plopped down on the grass there and looked up at Calum. "What if she doesn't show up?" I asked worriedly and Calum sat next to me. He sighed and I looked at him. "She will show up, Mike. Don't worry about it" he said softly and looked at me. "A lot of girls would like to marry you and I'm not talking about the fans. I'm talking about girls who actually know you and Hope is the girl who genuinely loves you. She will marry you because you're a great guy and she can see that" he said softly and I nodded. I looked down to the grass underneath me and pulled it out softly. Calum stood up and I looked up at him. "You'll do great, Michael. I was scared as well and my marriage is turning great. You'll be alright, trust me" he said and I stood up. I looked at him and hugged him. "Come here, you idiot" I chuckled and hugged him tightly purposely to get him wet since I was still soaking wet. Now that my nerves were gone, I could finally get revenge for getting me in the lake.


"Where's Ashton?" I heard my mum ask to several people inside the church. I was literally panicking even if I knew that I had no reason to do so. My mum finally walked outside to look for me and sighed when she found me. We were already at the church and I was really nervous. Suddenly I felt like Spencer would hate me when I leave for tour and that she would like to have a better life. "Ashton, what are you doing out here?" She asked and I shook my head, taking a deep breath and tried to relax. I know my mum noticed my nervousness and that I was panicking because she stopped me from pacing with her hands on my shoulders. She looked in my eyes and sighed. "What's wrong, Ash?" She asked softly and I ran a hand through my hair. I knew that it was stupid to think what I was thinking because Spencer and I are getting married in a couple minutes but I couldn't help it. Those thoughts had been wondering in my mind but eventually they went away, not today. "I just feel like Spencer will get to a point where she's tired of me being gone and she would like to find someone better for her. I feel like she would go looking for a better life" I whispered and shook my head. My mum made me look at her and she smiled at me as she wrapped her arms around me, embracing me in a hug. I hugged her back with my hands on her back and she chuckled. "Honey, she loves you. She would never leave you for anyone, you know why? Because she doesn't mind that you're away often. She knows that's your job. Do you know what she does while you're away?" She asked and I frowned a bit confused. She chuckled and shook her head. "She stays over with us sometimes and sleeps in your room. She says that she misses you too much at her flat. And that shows that she couldn't handle being without you, let alone be with another man" she assured and I smiled at the thought of Spencer sleeping in my room. But I was still nervous. I wasn't panicking anymore but I was nervous. I was nervous simply because I was scared to fail to Spencer, that was one of my biggest fears and I don't want to let her down. My mum rubbed my back and smiled at me. "Everything will be alright. Lets go inside, Spencer won't be very happy if she finds you out here" she said and I nodded, walking inside the church with my mum. Probably I was being stupid by thinking all of that but I hate letting people down and when it comes to Spencer, I want to be perfect for her or at least attempt to be.

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