7. Wedding Thoughts.

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I've been thinking for a while about the wedding. But I'm not having doubts, of course not. I just have had some thoughts about decorations and stuff like that, but mainly about the cake. That's kind of a stupid thought but yeah. "Vic? Where are you?" I ask and then I smell popcorn. Tonight we were going to decide the date for our wedding but we kind of had that figured out already so we were watching some anime. "In the kitchen" she said and I walked there. Her apartment wasn't that big so I didn't have much trouble in getting there. "I've been thinking..." I started and crossed my arms on the kitchen counter. Victoria looked at me, giving me her full attention. "About the cake" I say and she starts giggling. Victoria took the popcorn out of the microwave and emptied them in a bowl. "Seriously?" She asked and then put the popcorn bowl in front of me. I took one popcorn and ate it as I nod. "Yeah, you know how we both love vanilla cake with a slight touch of lemon?" I ask her and she nods as she eats popcorn from the bowl. "Well, what if that's the taste of our cake? I know it's stupid but... I'd like that. Very much. Oh and with a penguin on top" I say and as soon as I mentioned the penguin, she started laughing. But really laughing. I raised an eyebrow and she took a deep breath. "A penguin?" She asked between giggles and I nodded. "Alright. Whatever floats your boat, Robert" she said and I couldn't help but smile widely. I thought she'd reject the penguin idea but, let's be honest, no one resists the thought of a penguin.


When I wake up, I don't find Mackenzie next to me as she was last night. I sit up and rub my eyes and I look around the room. Her clothes were still there so she might be in the kitchen. I put on my sweatpants and walk out of my room towards the kitchen. As I make my way to the kitchen, I see her sitting down on the couch with her glasses and my hoodie on, reading a magazine and a cup of coffee in her hand. I walk towards her and press a kiss to her head as I look at what she's reading. "Morning, Kenzie" I say with a raspy voice and she keeps reading her magazine. "Morning, babe. How'd you sleep?" She asked softly without taking her eyes off the magazine. "Good, what are you reading?" I ask as I sit in front of her on the couch. She finally looks up at me and takes a sip of her coffee. "It's a bridal magazine I bought yesterday" she says softly and I nod. I take her cup of coffee and take a sip of it. "Seen anything you like?" I ask and she nods. "Yeah, I found this garden. It's here in Sydney and looks really pretty. We should go check it out" she says as she looks for the page where she saw that garden she was talking about. Mackenzie finally hands me the magazine and I look at the picture. She takes her cup of coffee back and I smile. "I've been here before. It is pretty. We can have our wedding there if you'd like" I say softly and then look up at her as I hand her back the magazine. I loved how her eyes lit up immediately and she smiled widely. "Really?" I nodded. "Yes! It'll be perfect" she squealed and I chuckled. I loved making her happy and honestly that place wasn't bad at all.


Today I invited Hope to the studio so she could hear a few of our songs for the new album. She told me through the phone that she had an idea for the wedding but it not only involved me but the rest of the guys. When she arrived, she had a tray with four coffees and her coffee in the other hand. "Hey everyone" she said with a smile and everyone said 'hi' to her. I pecked her cheek and smiled. "Hey, baby" I whisper in her ear and she giggled softly. "I brought you coffee" she said and gave each their coffees. Hope sat on the couch and pulled me down with her before I could go and show her our songs. "But I wanted you to listen to our songs" I said and she shook her head as she pecked my cheek. "No, I want to tell you my idea first" she said and I nodded. The other three lads looked at her expecting to say something as I was. I didn't know what would involve them in our wedding besides being my groomsmen. "So, I was thinking. That since you guys are so badass and everyone loves your music that you should play at our wedding. Just a couple of songs of course, not the whole night. That would be really cool but I don't know if you guys will agree" she said and looked at them. I honesty didn't know what to say, it was a great idea and I didn't know why I didn't come up with that before. "I'm in" said Ashton with a smile. "Yeah, me too. I think Luke agrees too" said Calum and Luke nodded. Hope squealed and clapped a bit like a little girl. She hugged them and then looked at me. "Will you play? Please?" She asked me and I nodded. I wrapped my arms around her waist and before I kissed her I said. "Of course I will." That's the best idea of all times and I couldn't believe that Hope came up with it. I love that she loves our music.


Recently I watched Ed Sheeran's video of Thinking Out Loud and the place where it's set is really beautiful. I thought about having our wedding there but I knew that Spencer didn't want our wedding in London so I didn't even bother in suggesting it. So I came up with an idea and hopefully she'll like it. "Spencer, do you have a minute?" I ask her softly when I see her working in the dinning table. Spencer was an interior designer and she was currently working on designing Luke and Victoria's house. "Sure" she said as she left the pen of her tablet down and looked up at me. I sat across from her and crossed my fingers on top of the table. "You know how we're struggling to find a place about our wedding?" I ask her and she nods. It's been weeks and she wants to find the place first than any other thing besides the date. "Well, I was thinking about having our wedding in a place like the one in Ed Sheeran's video" I say softly and her eyes go wide open. "Really? I was thinking the same thing!" She said and I smiled widely. I love how we think the same sometimes. I took out my phone with a few pictures of a place I found on the Internet. "I found this place, it's here in Sydney. We should go check it out" I say and she nods with a wide smile. She stands up and hugs me tightly. "I think we finally found the place" she whispered and I could almost hear her smile. I nod and press a kiss to her cheek. "We have" I whisper and peck her cheek multiple times. Good thing I avoided the bridezilla moment for not finding a place.

5SOS Wedding Series.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon