1. Getting Permission

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Oh God, I'm so nervous. My hands are all sweaty and I don't want my parents-in-law to think that I'm a disgusting lad. I take a deep breath and notice them spotting me, sitting on a table in the food court, and walking towards me. Probably telling them to meet me at the mall was a stupid thing to do because of the fans and paparazzi but I prefer when there's people around. I clean my hands on my jeans for the last time as Victoria's parents reach me and say their greetings. We take a seat after I kiss Anne's cheek and shake James' hand to greet them and smile nervously. "Lucas, dear, I notice that you are a bit nervous. Is everything alright?" asks Anne and I nod. "Yes, everything is fine. There's just something I wanted to tell you" Wow, I can't believe I'm actually doing this. "Well, tell us. It must be really important for you to be like that. All nervous and sweaty" points out James with one of his friendly smiles. "Okay, here it goes" I take a deep breath. "I want to ask for your permission to marry Victoria" Straight to the point, well done Hemmings. I high-five myself mentally and look at Victoria's parents for an answer. Anne's smile is wide enough to tell me that she approves and that she's really happy with the news. James, on the other hand, is a bit harder to read. "On one condition" he states as Anne takes his arm, unable to stop smiling. "Anything sir" I say politely. "Always put her before anything. Always" he says and I nod with a huge smile. "I will, she's my everything. She always comes before anything" I smile widely and shake his hand. "Congrats dear" says Anne trying to fight her tears. Well, it wasn't that hard and I'm glad that paparazzi and fans weren't around me, mobbing me and my parents-in-law.


This is the perfect moment to tell Mackenzie's parents, I just have to distract Mackenzie for a little while. As I cook the meat for the barbecue, I look over at Mackenzie who was talking with my mum and her parents. It's going to be a bit hard since my house is not that big but I have to try. "Hey sweetheart, can you bring me a beer from the fridge?" I ask with a smile and she nods. Before she leaves, she kisses my cheek and smiles widely. I can't believe I'm actually going to do this. I close the grill's lid and walk towards the table where my mum and Mackenzie's parents are sitting. My mum already knows so there's not going to be much excitement, although I think she's still going to smile widely. "Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood. I want to say this as quick as possible because I know she won't take long" I say without being able to hold back my smile. "What is it dear?" asks Helen and puts her hand on my shoulder to calm me down a bit. I smile nervously and take a deep breath. "I..." I start but stop right away when I see that Mackenzie is back. I knew she wasn't to take long. "Oh, honey. I forgot to ask for a beer myself. Can you go get me one please?" Joel says, noticing that what I have to say is sort of a secret. "Sure dad" she smiles and goes back in the house. Honestly, he's the best father-in-law ever. "Thanks" I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "I want to marry Mackenzie" I smile proud of my words and, immediately, Helen puts her hand over her mouth trying to hide her surprise and holding back her tears. "Really?" She asked looking at me. I nodded and then Helen looked up at her husband. Helen wasn't able to say anything because Mackenzie came back. She gave the beer to her dad and looked at me confused. "Why is my mum crying?" Joel and I chuckle and then he smiles at his daughter. "Oh, nothing. You know how mum is" Mackenzie smiles and nods, giggling at her mum and sitting on my lap.


The good thing about Hope's older brother is that he loves video games as much as I do, so I had no trouble in inviting him to my apartment to tell him about my plans with his sister. I wish I could've told her parents but they died when she was little and her brother is the closest I'll ever get. He's in charge of her and he has made sure of letting me know a couple times. I pause the game to take a short break from two hours straight of FIFA and tell him about my plans. "Elliot, do you want a soda or something?" I ask from the kitchen and he nods. "A soda will be fine, thanks" he says politely as he checks his phone. I take out two cans of Coke from the fridge and throw one at him. "I ordered a pizza, is that alright?" He says when I sit back down next to him. I nod and take a sip of my soda. "Hey, I wanted to tell you something" It's actually really good that I have a good relationship with Elliot. If not, I would be nervous as fuck. He looks at me and nods. "Go ahead, I hope it's not something bad" he puts his Coke down and gets comfortable on the couch. I chuckle and shake my head. "No, I think you'll like this news" I smile and start to play with my bracelets. "I want to marry Hope" I say proudly and looked at Elliot, who was looking at me with a shocked look on his face. He, then, starts laughing and pats my back. I didn't understand why he was laughing but I guess it could be a good sign. "I'm sorry, I just imagined Hope's reaction when you propose. It'll be hilarious" he says without erasing the huge smile from his face. I smile at him and picture Hope getting all excited and looking cute and adorable as she always does. "She'll look adorable" I say and chuckle. "So I take that as a: 'GO FOR IT!'?" Elliot nods and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, I should say 'Welcome to the family' but you haven't proposed yet" I chuckle and nod. I'm so glad that he's actually okay with the idea of me being Hope's husband. He's really protective over his younger sister but I guess that he knows me enough to trust me.


I like cars and fixing them and probably everything inside them as well. Lucky me that my father-in-law owns a shop and let's me work there with him every once in a while as long as I'm not on tour and Spencer is busy. I like to spend as much time as possible with her when I'm not on tour and I'd like to spend even more time with her. Basically an entire lifetime. That's why I'm doing this. Since the car was suspended up high by a machine, Tony and I had no trouble in talking and chatting while we try to fix this red Cadillac. I take an old and used towel from the cart with the tools and clean some of the grease and oil on my hands. I'm glad that fans nor paparazzi know about the location of the shop. "Hey, Mr. Smith. I want to talk to you about Spencer" I say a bit nervous but hiding my nervousness professionally. I clean some of the droplets coming down my forehead with the back of my hand and somehow I'm glad that my curls are out of the way. "Alright, what is it?" He says as he continues to fix something on the transmission of the car. "I hope that you're okay with the idea of me becoming your son-in-law" I say going straight to the point without going a lot through the branches of the topic. Okay, maybe I did go through the branches but he still understood what I said because he stopped what he was doing and looked at me with a serious look on his face. "I know that I'm probably not the best guy for Spen-" I start but Tony cuts me off by saying the words that never came to my mind. "Have you told Katherine about this?" He puts the screw driver on top of the cart with tools and I nod. It's surprising how Tony and Katherine have been divorced for a while and neither of them has had another couple and still care for each other. I nod unsure of what he will say about my plans with Spencer. Tony chuckles and with his hand on my shoulder, he says "Call me Tony, son" I smile at him and then he gives me an unexpected hug. Manly hug of course. I look at him a bit surprised after the hug and then realize that both of her parents agreed and let me marry Spencer. "Thank you so much Sir, I swear I'll protect Spencer with everything I have and I'll love her and appreciate her and-" I start saying my little speech I had prepared and the one I told to Katherine but Tony cuts me off again. God, this man sure likes to cut me off in the middle of my speeches. "I know you will, I'm sure you will" he says with a smile and, without further opinion, we continue to work on the Cadillac. I just started thinking about how my life with Spencer will be and, yes, call me a hopeless romantic but I just love her so much and I can't believe I'm marrying her. Well, not yet. I still have to propose.

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