23. Speeches.

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Throughout the night, everything had gone perfectly; having my wife next to me and our families and friends surrounding us was amazing. It was time for the speeches and it was Spencer's turn to say her speech to Victoria. She tapped the microphone and then everyone, including Victoria and me, turned to look at her. "Vic," she started and smiled at her best friend who was now my wife. "Remember in high school when I talked about your husband's band?" She asked and Victoria face palmed herself, laughing a bit a the memory. I looked at her and chuckled a bit at her reaction and then looked back up at Spencer. "I was always like, who do you think is cute? And you always said Calum" she said and I could hear Calum's laugh. "Don't worry, Luke. I always shipped her with you" Spencer added and giggled a little bit. "Well, I was so goddamn right. I can't believe that you're now Victoria Hemmings and that my best friend is married to the lead singer of, still, my favourite band. It's so unbelievable but I'm so happy for you Vic" she said and gave Victoria a small smile. Victoria smiled back at her best friend, who was right next to her and then laughed a bit. "I'm going to miss having you at my place every night but I know that you'll have more important stuff to do. I know that you two will last forever because, come on, look at you two. You're made for each other" she said and I nodded my head at her as thank you. Spencer smiled widely at both of us and I could tell that she didn't plan anything or wrote anything as her speech. "When she met Luke, she talked to me about him whenever the topic came up or a song of the guys' band came up on the radio. I never thought I'd see Victoria head over heels for someone so I know that Luke is someone different and good for her. Don't let me down, Hemmings" she said and giggled. "Anyways, I wish you both the best and I hope that you have your happily ever after ending" she finished and Victoria stood up to hug her. Spencer hugged her tightly and I could easily tell that Spencer was crying.


"Balls" Michael's voice sounded through the speakers and I rolled my eyes, laughing a bit as Mackenzie covered her eyes as if to stop him from embarrassing himself. "I repeat, balls" he said as everyone laughed after they turned to look at him. Well, it certainly worked to get everyone's attention. Michael chuckled and looked at everyone before looking down at me and Mackenzie. "Calum," he started and looked at me as he sighed. "I have no idea of what to say so I'll just say balls repeatedly as a speech" he teased and everyone laughed. He shook his head and laughed a bit. "I'm just kidding. I do have a speech" he said and then took a note out of his pocket. Michael cleared his throat before he started reading his speech. "Calum. I can't believe that you out of the four of us is the second to get married. You were always all 'party all day, party all night' and now you finally decided to settle down. And let me tell you all, it was all because of Mackenzie. The four of us noticed that" he said and Mackenzie looked at me with a smile as she slid her hand into mine and interlocked our fingers. I kissed her cheek and smiled slightly at her. "You could never stop talking about how amazing she was, Calum" he said and Mackenzie giggled. "Anyways, Calum and Mackenzie. I wish you both the best of the best. You two are clearly good for each other and everyone in this room can see that. You both keep each others' feet on the ground and that's what makes relationships stronger in my point of view. Be happy, you two" he said and smiled and just as he was about to sit down, I thanked him and smiled while everyone clapped. Michael nodded and smiled back at me before giving my shoulder a few pats. "Balls, the message is over. Balls" he said into the microphone and then laughed at his own stupidity.


The sound that came through the speakers was a bit weird and then was followed by a loud and annoying sound, showing everyone that the microphone was on. I looked over at Ashton and frowned. It was time to say the speeches and he was the one saying his speech first, I figured that he was nervous or something just because of the look on his face. "Oops, I'm sorry" he said and then chuckled nervously. Ashton usually was awkward when it came to saying something in front of our families, I don't know why when he can play in front of thousands of people without getting slightly nervous. "Okay, so I wrote I speech" he started and looked at everyone in the room before looking down at Hope and me. "For the Cl- newly weds" he added and then smiled. He looked down at his feet and then looked up to look at everyone. "I was going to say Clifford's but there are a bunch of them here" he said and chuckled making my side of the family laugh a bit. He looked a bit more relaxed after they laughed at his joke and I knew it because right then he started speaking normally. "Michael and Hope. You two are just made for each other. When I met Hope I immediately knew that she was a female version of Michael" he said and smiled, making Hope laugh softly. "And then I thought, why not introduce them? And I did. God, what have I done?" He said and Hope and I laughed while everyone else looked at him a bit confused. "Now Calum, Luke and I will have to deal with two Michael's. It's alright though because I know that you two are good for each other. I never thought that Michael would ever meet a girl like Hope and I never thought that Hope would like that dork" he said and chuckled. I flipped him off but laughed anyways. Ashton pushed his curls back and then looked back at Hope and me. "So, Michael. If Hope never sees the daylight again, we'll all be blaming you" he teased and I shook my head as every guest laughed. Hope leaned to my side before pecking my cheek softly and taking my hand in hers. "I'm not good at making speeches at all so I'll just say one more thing. I wish you two noobs the best, I know you'll last for a long long time" he said and smiled as everyone started clapping. Hope looked at Ashton and smiled, nodding a bit as a thank you. I was about to stand up and hug him when he stopped me and checked the microphone again. "Oh, one more thing. Good luck with Michael's baldness in a few years" he told Hope and she giggled softly as I flipped him off.


The look on Spencer's face when Victoria stood up from her seat to say her speech was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. She was so happy and excited that her best friend was saying a speech. Spencer looked at me with a wide smile and took my hand, interlocking our fingers before Victoria started speaking. "Hello, everyone" she started and Spencer squeezed my hand gently. God, she's so adorable. "So, as most of you know, I've known Spencer since middle school. She's always been the girl to believe in marriages and happily ever after's like in books. She's always been dreaming for her wedding and she always told me about it" she said and smiled at Spencer. Spencer had this huge smile on her face that made her look heavenly. "But I remember, in high school, that she always said: 'I'm going to marry Ashton Irwin' and I was always like: 'Yeah, right'. I never believed her but oh how many turns does life take" she said and chuckled a bit. Spencer blushed and hid her face in my chest as I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back gently. "So, Spence, you can go back to a high school with your now husband Ashton and be like: 'I told y'all that I'd marry him'." She said and laughed a bit as Spencer giggled and squeezed my hand gently. Victoria looked at Spencer and let out a soft sigh with a smile. "You guys are really cute together. You two are perfect for each other and I'm so happy for you. I wish you the best and I'll be hoping to see little Ashton's and little Spencer's running around in a while" she said with a smile and winked at both of us. Spencer blushed and giggled. "Congratulations, Mr. And Mrs. Irwin" she said softly and Spencer immediately stood up from her seat to hug her best friend.

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