5. Announcing The Engagement

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The interview today was going well. Victoria was waiting for me backstage and I was engaged. Basically the last one made everything better. A plus to it was that I was engaged with Victoria. We still had to tell the fans about our engagement but Victoria and I were still thinking about how to break the news for them. "So, Luke" started the interviewer and I looked at her. "There's been a video that has gone viral about you since last week. Let's see it" she said and I frowned, not knowing what video she meant or anything. As soon as the video played on the screen, I realized that it was the video of when I proposed to Victoria. Fans were taking video, how could I forget that? I looked at the interviewer and the look on my face was clearly surprised. Ashton, Calum and Michael chuckled and I smiled. I might as well just tell the fans now, even if they already know. "Is that what everyone thinks it is?" Asked the interviewer and I chuckled. "If you're thinking a proposal, then yes. It is a proposal" I said with a wide smile and looked at Victoria who was behind a camera. "Victoria and you are engaged then?" She asks and I nod. "Correct" I say with a wide smile without taking my eyes off of Victoria. The interviewer notices Victoria and then smiles. "Can we get future Mrs. Hemmings here?" She asked and I stood up to get her. Victoria was so shy to appear on my interview and on national TV. She shook her head and her cheeks turned a bright red. "Come on, baby. Please, for me" I whispered in her ear but everyone still heard that because of the mic on my shirt. She looked up at me and pecked my lips. "Alright" she said and I smiled widely. A member from staff gave her a mic before she went with me to sit with the rest of the lads. I sat her on my lap and I pecked her cheek. "Victoria! Congratulations!" Said the interviewer. "Excited to be Mrs. Hemmings?" Added the interviewer and she nodded with a smile. "Very" she said and her cheeks turned a bright red. "Well, it's official now. Luke Hemmings and Victoria Hall are engaged!" Said the interviewer to the camera and the crowd there started clapping and cheering for us. I was so happy and probably telling the fans went better than expected. I was thankful that they brought it up in the interview, otherwise Victoria and I would still be wondering how to tell them.


This could be the perfect moment to tell the fans about my engagement with Mackenzie. A whole bunch of fans is watching and I honestly feel more comfortable by telling them through a live stream than an interview. I feel more like myself during live streams, you know? I read a couple of tweets and chuckled, showing a few of them to Luke. "Guys, guys. Why don't we give them what they're asking for?" I said with a smile and looked at Michael. The girls were hanging out at the kitchen while we were in the living room of my apartment. "Yeah, it wouldn't hurt anyone right?" Said Ashton and Luke nodded. I stood up to get the girls and when I came back, Mackenzie was whining because I didn't let her finish talking about girly stuff before I took her with me. "It'll only take a minute" I said and pecked her cheek when I sat down. I pulled her down to my lap and waved to the camera of my laptop. "I'm back guys" I said with a smile and Mackenzie waved as well as the other three girls did. "Let's tell them about our engagement" I whispered in Mackenzie's ear and she looked at me a bit surprised. "Really?" She asked and smiled widely. Probably she thought that I wouldn't tell the fans. Well, she was wrong. I nodded and then looked at the camera. Mackenzie showed her ring with a huge smile and I pecked her cheek. "We are engaged!" She squealed and I chuckled at her happiness. Really soon, tons of comments appeared like crazy on the side bar of the live stream and I chuckled. They were all congratulating us and they were using a hashtag. Every single one of them wrote in their tweets #CanziesEngaged and that made me smile. Our ship name sounded great. "From now on we'll be Canzie" I told her and she nodded with a wide smile. She kissed me softly not caring that everyone, including the guys, Michael's girlfriend and Luke's wife, were watching us.


"How should we tell them?" I ask Hope when we get our coffees and walk towards a table. Every Monday morning we went to Starbucks and have a quick breakfast before going to work. She's a magazine editor while I just have to go to the studio and work on my music. "I don't know" she said sitting across from me and taking a sip from her coffee. "It has to be an original way" I said and looked at her. Both of us were a bit... crazy, when it came to originality so it should be something that identifies us. "Something that yells Mipe out loud" she said using our ship name. I never liked it to be honest but she loves it so I just have to deal with it. Suddenly, I got an amazing idea. God bless Starbucks' coffee, I always get the best ideas when I drink it. "We both like to tweet. A lot, right?" I ask her and she nods with a sweet smile. "Well, what if we tweeted it?" I suggested and she nodded with a huge smile. Hope takes out her phone and I do the same. "What if we add a selfie?" She suggested with a smile as I took a sip of my coffee. I nodded and opened the twitter app. "You tweet it or I do?" I ask and she takes a bite of her cookie. "Both of us, I'll take the picture and send it to you" she said and I nodded. We took the picture and she didn't let me see it until she sent it to me. Hope was covering her mouth with her hand with the ring and I was pecking her cheek. She looked so adorable and so happy at the same time. I added the picture to a tweet and then typed. «@AdorableHope Let's choose the date shall we?» I post the tweet and smile widely when I read her tweet. «@Michael5SOS I love you Mikey <3» and the picture. In a matter of seconds I already got a thousand retweets and faves along with tons of replies. I was glad that the fans took it nicely, I know they love Hope. Honestly, who wouldn't love her? She's adorable. But, she's mine.


I guess it's time to tell the fans about my engagement with Spencer. They'd found out sooner or later, maybe they already did, and I had to tell them or at least confirm it. I really doubt that the fans that were at the rink that day wouldn't tell everyone else and spread the rumor. "Spence?" I called her when I got home. Both of us decided a few months ago to move in together and, so far, it's been great. "In our room!" She said and I walked to our room with a wide smile. I saw her laying in bed and watching a movie on the TV. I got on the bed next to her and pecked her cheek, making her giggle a little bit and look at me. She paused the movie and kissed me softly. "How was the studio?" She asked and I shrugged. "It was good, I actually came up with something" I said and chuckled. Spencer nodded, motioning me to tell her about my idea and I smiled at her. "We should tell the fans about our engagement" I said and she bit her lip. Spencer was still a bit nervous about telling the fans, she always was nervous when it came to the fans, probably because she didn't realize how much the adore her. "Relax" I said when I noticed she tensed up a bit. Yeah, maybe the 5SOS FAM was a bit overprotective but, in the end, everything turned out fine. "How?" She asked and cuddled into my chest. "Keek" I simply said and I knew she liked the idea. It was a simple and easy way to tell them. Spencer quickly nodded and I took out my phone. She took the phone from my hands and opened the keek app. "You start the video" she said and handed me back my phone. I chuckled and nodded. I pressed the button and it started recording. "Hey guys" I started and made sure that Spencer was also in the video. "We have a quick something to tell you" I continued and I looked at Spencer. She had a huge smile drawn on her face and I knew she wanted to say it. "We're engaged!" She squealed and I chuckled. Spencer showed her ring on the camera and I pecked her cheek. She wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled widely as I stopped recording. I edited the caption, typing «Got some news» and posted it. Immediately my phone went crazy with mentions on twitter, comments on keek and a bunch of retweets and favorites. Spencer was smiling widely and her phone went crazy too. "Oh my God" she whispered and I pecked her cheek. "See? I told you they adore you" I told her and she nodded. I was glad that everything went fine.

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