12. Final Planning.

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Victoria was so excited about the whole dancing thing and she was teaching me some choreography in which I still sucked at. "Come on, babe!" She whined and tried to pull me up from the couch. We have been rehearsing this for the past month and I still couldn't get it right and I was stressed about it. It started all simple and stuff but then it got a bit complicated because it wasn't the typical dance. I suggested that we danced some of the Korean stuff she liked and she agreed. Now I regret that suggestion. Well, not really. I like seeing her happy. "But I still can't get it right! I suck!" I tell her and pull her down to my lap. I peck her cheek and she stands up again. "That's not true! You do it great! You just haven't seem yourself dancing it" she says and I sigh. I stand up and she squeals. I drive to the dancing studio and just when I park, she immediately rushes inside and plugs in her phone to the stereo. Once I got in, she plays the song and we start dancing. "I want you to face the mirror all the time, alright? So you can see how good you do it" she says softly and pecks my cheek softly. It all starts as the traditional waltz but then it gets a bit complicated and just by the ending it gets as the typical waltz again. I did as she told me and I was surprised to see that I finally got everything right with not even one mistake. The song ends and she smiled widely. "Oh my god! I got it!" I tell her and she nods really excited. I hug her tightly and she hugs me back with her arms around my neck and my arms around her waist. I spun around a little bit and chuckled. Who needs a choreographer when you have Victoria?


I already had my tux but what was bothering me was the tie. Not just mine, the groomsmen's also. Our wedding colours were yellow, green and pink and my tie was black. Good thinking, Hood (sarcasm). I decide to call the guys but Luke first since he already got married and probably knows about a place where I can buy my tie. "Hey, Luke. We need to go buy other ties for my wedding" I tell him and I ran a hand through my hair. I wanted to match Mackenzie's bouquet which was going to be yellow. So the groomsmen will have to match the bridesmaids with green ties. "Alright, we can go to the store where we got my tux" he suggests and I agree. When I get to the place, I see Luke and Ashton already there. I wondered where Michael was but he was probably with Hope. "Let me call Mackenzie to ask which colour is the bridesmaids' dress" I tell them and they nod. Michael arrives a few minutes after Mackenzie told me and we picked some plain coloured ties. Nothing too extravagant or anything. They all suggested I wore a bow tie but I'm not a huge fan of those. "What kind of yellow is Mackenzie's bouquet?" Asked Ashton and I shrugged. I opened twitter and showed them the picture she had posted. "I guess with this same tone, these are the flowers for the table centres" I told them and they nodded. A few minutes later, Michael found a yellow tie and showed it to me. It was plain with no design or anything, exactly what I was looking for. "This one's great. I'll buy it" I tell him and then go pay for my tie. I bought my yellow tie and the guys bought their green ties. I honestly can't wait to see Mackenzie's face when she sees that I got matching tie to her bouquet. She'll love it, I'm sure.


Since Hope asked us to play at our wedding, I kept thinking on which song should I sing for her as a surprise. I've been going through a bunch of albums from Green Day, All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, even Nirvana, and I still haven't found the song. We were going to rehearse a bit at Luke's garage and I was going to ask them for help to find the song. After we rehearse a couple of songs and we're just hanging out, eating some pizza, I decide to ask them. I sit up on the chair and look at them. "Guys, I need your help" I tell them and take a bite of my pizza. They looked up at me and then Calum asked. "Yeah? With what?" He asked and I took a sip of my soda. "Well, you know how Hope asked us to play at our wedding?" I start and they all nod. "I wanted to sing a song for her, as a surprise. But I don't know which one" I tell them softly and Ashton frowns. Calum takes a bite of his pizza pretending to be thinking about it and then Victoria comes in. "You know Hope loves Panic! At The Disco, right?" She asks and I face palm myself. How could I forget? I'm such a bad fiancée. I then remembered her favourite song, Ready To Go, and thought about singing it to her. The lyrics were good and I'm sure she'll love the cover we'll make just for her. "I'm so stupid, how could I forget?!" I say and then look up at the guys. "We can play Ready To Go. It's her favourite song and the lyrics are great, actually" I tell them and they all nod. We rehearse the song a few times and it sounded really great, I know she'll like it. I should probably be scared of me blowing up the surprise before the wedding.


Spencer and I had almost everything organised for the wedding except the seating chart. We still were having trouble about where to sit some people and the wedding was soon. "Okay, how about we put the One Direction lads in this table with their girlfriends instead of your cousins?" Suggests Spencer and I look at the chart. I think about it for a moment but then shake my head. It wasn't a good idea to put a bunch of fangirls near One Direction. "Or, we can put them there and then we move your friends here instead of my cousins?" I suggests and she makes the change. It looked nice and I guess we wouldn't have much trouble with her friends. Spencer smiled but that smile faded immediately. "But now the lads are far as well as the girls" she says and looks up at me. We agreed that we would put Calum, Michael and Luke with their wives in the nearest table to us. "Oh! I know" she exclaimed and made a few changes. She smiled when she saw the result and pecked my cheek. Spencer wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. "We finished the seating chart!" She exclaimed and giggled softly. I loved when she got excited over simple things like finishing a seating chart, she looked so adorable. I'm glad that we finally finished organising everything and now we had at least a week to relax before our big day. God, I can't wait.

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