13. Bachelor Party. (Another boy's POV)

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Luke. (Michael's POV)

Tonight is almost Luke's last night as a bachelor and we're going to make it count. I go to Luke's apartment to pick him up and I wasn't exactly expecting that he would be with Victoria. "Dude! The girls were organising something for her too!" I tell him after I see Victoria in the living room. Victoria laughed and shook her head. "I know, they'll pick me up here" she said and I nodded. Both of us said goodbye to Victoria and walked back to my car where Ashton and Calum were waiting with Have Some Fun by Pitbull blasting through the speakers. "Let's go!" I exclaim as soon as Luke and I get in the car and I drive off. Ashton blind folds Luke because if he knew where we were going, he would say no and we wouldn't make him change his mind. I park outside the strip club where we would take Luke for the first time in his life and I try to hold back a laugh when I see Luke trying to take off the bandana from his eyes. "Guys, where are we?" He asked and Calum helped him out of the car. We guided him inside and then to a VIP room we had reserved for that day. Luke's brothers were there as well as some of his old friends. We sat him on the chair that was in the middle and we took off his blind fold. He looked around and was clearly confused. Just when he was about to ask something, a striper walks in and Luke's eyes widened. He started laughing and then looked at me. "I'll kill you, Clifford. If Victoria doesn't kill me first" he says and I shake my head. "Trust me, the girls have something similar planned for her" I tell him and laugh loudly when the striper starts her lap dance on Luke and he blushed. God, he's so naive.

Calum. (Luke's POV)

I get to Calum's house with Michael and Ashton in my car and 23 by Miley Cyrus blasting out the car. I honk the klaxon and then call him to get out here and in the car. "Hood!" I call him and a few seconds later he comes outside his house and rushes in the car. "Let's go clubbing!" He screamed and I drive off to the club. I stop outside the club and then let the valet take my car to the parking lot. We walk in the club and immediately walk towards the bar, ordering a few vodka shots. Calum was getting married in two days and we needed to celebrate. Throw some kind of bachelor party or just have a guys night out. Of course Calum was getting wasted, that's why we chose to do his bachelor party two days before the wedding. Wouldn't be pleasant to see him hungover while he says 'I do' and Mackenzie wouldn't be happy either. Each of us take a shot of vodka and clink our glasses. "To Calum and his last night out as a single man!" I say and then we all drink it. I ask for a refill to our glasses and look at a girl walking towards Calum. Apparently Ashton saw her too and was smirking like a mad man. "Some ground rules guys since we all have girlfriends. Well, except Luke. He's married" says Michael and we all nod agreeing to the idea. Those were necessary if we didn't want it to get out of control. "We can dance with other girls however but we can't kiss them or stuff like that. Let's not lead them on" he says and we nod. Right then, the girl walking towards Calum pulls him away and we all start laughing. He starts grinding on the girl and we laugh loudly. Calum really knows how to have fun and sticking to the rules and I'm glad that he'll enjoy this night. That's what it's all about. The hard part will be taking him home when he's drunk.

Michael. (Ashton's POV)

We all agreed that we would hang out at my place for Michael's bachelor party but to make it interesting we were planning on pulling some sort of prank to him. Calum, Luke and I had been planning this for a while and this was our perfect opportunity to do it. After Michael arrived to my place, we played some video games and did stuff that Michael likes while drinking some beer. Beer gets him a bit sleepy and it makes him have a deeper sleep, which is weird but hey, it helps. The three of us waited until Michael was fully asleep so we could take him down to the lake near my house. It was part of the prank. We had already put down there the inflatable mattress and Luke was waiting down there, with the mattress, for us to bring Michael down. Calum and I had a difficult task to do because we didn't want to wake him up and he was really heavy. Like, Michael, stop eating pizza. When we finally got down to the lake, we put Michael carefully on the mattress that was on the shore of the lake and made sure that he wouldn't roll off or fall down so we could push him in the water. "Okay guys. One, two, three" I counted and at three, we pushed the mattress carefully until it was floating away in the lake. It stopped moving almost at the middle of the lake and the three of us were trying so hard to not laugh loudly. We walked back to my house and I was glad that I had a lake view. I knew for sure that Michael would kill us but he should've seen that coming. He knows that we don't have sleep overs unless someone is getting pranked. All we had to do right now was wait until the morning to see how Michael would react. We also took a picture and sent it to Hope, just so she was aware of what was going on. Well, at least he doesn't have to take a bath in the morning.

Ashton. (Calum's POV)

Drunk Ashton was really cool. He always did fucked up stuff when he was drunk and it was fun to watch, you know? Somehow, we ended up in a music store and I don't even know how he got in in the first place. We could get arrested and it wouldn't be good either for the band or any of us. We all had wives and Ashton was getting married in three days. Right now, he found some drums and drumsticks and was playing the drums while giggling like a maniac. It was three in the morning and we were drunk. Luke and I were the most sober and Ashton was the most drunk. He suddenly stopped playing the drums and stood up to see a couple walking by. "Look at them" he slurred and giggled again. He walked towards me and slung his arm around my shoulders and he almost fell down with me. I help him walk out of the store and he calls a cab. "Ash, what are you doing?" I ask and Luke looks at me confused. Michael was way too drunk to even care about where he was. "I need to see Spencer" he slurred and got in the cab. I got in with him after I helped Luke get Michael in the car and Luke told the driver where to go. Once we were parked outside Ashton's flat, he stumbled outside and then up the stairs. He was making to much noise and I had to shut him up. "Shhh..." he slurred and dragged the sound with a stupid smile plastered on his face. Ashton knocked on the door and immediately Spencer opened the door. "Babe!" Said Ashton with his arm slung across my shoulders and Spencer looked at me confused. "Ash, what are you doing here?" She asked but more directly to me. "He said he needed to see you" I explained and she giggled. Ashton wrapped his arms around her and I could see her disgusted face at the smell of alcohol. "God, Ashton you stink" she said and I chuckled. This wasn't how the bachelor party for Ashton was supposed to go but we still have a few hours before Ashton passes out. After he said goodbye to her and made a lot of drama about seeing her soon, we walked down to the cab and we went back to my place. Good thing that Mackenzie was with Spencer.

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