21. Vows. (Both POV's)

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Halfway through the ceremony, the priest looks at us both and smiles. "I believe both of you wrote your vows" he said and I nodded. I looked up at Victoria and took a deep breath before I started speaking. "Hi." I stupidly started making Victoria giggle and a few chuckles emerge from the crowd. "Well, I don't really planned this out because I just wanted to speak from the heart, you know?" I continued and looked into her eyes. Victoria looked so perfect and it was hard for me to try and say something; she just took my breath away. "Victoria Hall, today I stand here before you, God and our friends and families as I give my life to you. And with that I take you to be my beautiful wife. I never thought that you would eventually become Mrs. Hemmings" I say carefully and chuckled at how cheesy I sounded, but honestly I don't mind being cheesy with Victoria. She brings out sides of me that I never even knew existed. Oh, I should say that! "You bring out sides of me that I never knew existed and I don't mind at all. I actually love that and I'm ready to let you keep doing that for the rest of my life. With this vows, I promise you that I will always, no matter what, protect you and be there for you. I will never let you fall and I will never, ever, be the one who lets you down. I promise that you'll always have my heart and I'll take care of your heart, never letting it break," I continue and notice a few tears forming in her eyes as a wide smile forms on her lips. "I love you, Vic. So so much. And I can't wait to start a life with you." I finish and everyone claps a bit as Victoria wiped her tears.


Luke's vows were perfect and I couldn't help to get a bit teary, but once he finished his vows I realised that it was my turn to say mine. I didn't plan them entirely but I had an idea of what to say. "Okay, um. Lucas Robert Hemmings, today is the day when I show you how much I love you. Today is the day that I give my life to you and today's the day I promise you that I will forever love you" I say softly and look up at Luke, whose smile is as big as it could ever be. I smile back at him and bit my lip before continuing. "I promise that you'll always have me by your side through thick and thin. I will take care of you when you're sick and will laugh with you all the time. I promise I will take care of Pengey as if it were our love child" I say earning a few chuckles from the crowd and a chuckle from Luke. "And I will always support you in everything. I may not be wife material but for you, I'll try, even the impossible, to be the perfect wife for you. I have a lot of promises to make today to you but it'll take me forever to say them to you. Good thing that we have a forever together so I can finish telling you" I continue and smile widely at Luke who has the same big smile decorated with his lip ring on his lip. I take a deep breath as my voice becomes shaky and look up at him. "I will never break any of those promises, Luke. I never will, simply because I love you. I will always love you with everything I have and I will never stop doing that" I finish and let out a few tears. I couldn't believe that I was finally getting married to Luke. It was so amazing.



As the priest finishes talking, he looks at Mackenzie and me and gives us a polite smile. "It's time for your vows" he says and I nod with a smile. I take out from a little pocket inside my jacket, the paper where I wrote my vows and smile at Mackenzie. I take a deep breath and give Mackenzie a small smile before looking down to my vows and starting to read them. "Kenzie, I can't believe that today is finally here. The day when I get to marry the most beautiful and perfect woman I've ever met" I read out loud and look up at Mackenzie to give her a small wink. She giggled softly and smiled back at me. "I want you to know that I will always be with you. I'll honour you and cherish you even when I'm away. I will always be faithful to you because I want no one else than you" I said softly and smile at the thought of growing old together with her. "I want you to know," I continue and take a quick glance at her. "That you are the one that owns my heart and I've got your name tattooed in my arrowed heart" I say softly and chuckle at my She Looks So Perfect reference. Mackenzie giggled softly and smiled widely at me with slightly reddened cheeks and the rest of the crowd chuckled. "See what I did there?" I ask softly and she nodded with a smile. "I love you so much, Kenzie. And I'll always will, more and more every time" I finish and everyone in the crowd claps softly as Mackenzie's smile gets even wider.

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