24. First Dance.

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Song: Only Look At Me - Taeyang.

Victoria was nowhere to be seen by the time of our first dance. I was worried but I couldn't help it, I cared too much for her. I spotted Spencer walking out of the bathroom and walked over towards her. She should know where Victoria is, they go mostly everywhere together and tell each other anything. "Spencer," I started as I stopped her. "Have you seen Victoria?" He asked and Spencer rolled her eyes as she chuckled. "You're such a bad husband, she's waiting for you over there" she said and then I looked to one of the sides of the dance floor where Spencer was pointing at and I smiled when I saw Victoria standing there and looking everywhere, probably looking for me. "Thanks" I told her and rushed over towards her. I looked at her once I reached her and took her hand in mine just as the song started. "Come on, baby. We didn't rehearse this for nothing" I told her softly and smiled at her. Victoria smiled widely and walked with me to the middle of the dance floor and once we were there, the DJ started the song from the beginning. I pecked her lips softly as we danced the waltz part and smiled at her. "I don't want to fuck this up" I whispered softly as I pressed my forehead to hers. I was a bit nervous to do the whole choreography on front of both our families and friends because I didn't know if I was going to do it right. Victoria smiled at me and shook her head. "You won't fuck up, I promise" she whispered and then we started dancing the choreography we rehearsed for a long time. I smiled widely at her as we danced and just focused on how gorgeous she looked and how happy she seemed while dancing. Before I knew it, I was holding her close to my chest again once the song was over and I looked into her eyes. "My baby" I whispered with an arm around her waist and the other hand on her waist. I leaned in and kissed her softly as the guests who watched the dance clapped and cheered. I was so glad I got it all right, specially because I knew how much this dance meant to her. "I love you" she whispered with a smile and I smiled back at her. "I love you too" I whispered and kept her close.


Song: Close Your Eyes - Michael Buble.

To say that Mackenzie was excited about our first dance is an understatement. She was beyond excited and I could tell by the wide smile on her face when they called us for our first dance. The place was dimly lit, given that it was an outside wedding the lights were only candles and a few light bulbs with not much power but it was perfect. "Mr. And Mrs. Hood, it's time for your first dance" said the DJ and Mackenzie's smile could light up the entire world. I stood up from my seat and looked down at her with a smile. "May I have this dance, Mrs. Hood?" I asked softly as the smile on my face grew even more. I took her hand in mine and kissed her knuckles as she let out a soft giggle. "Why, yes you may Mr. Hood" she said with a wide smile and stood up. I pecked her lips softly before interlocking our fingers and walking with her to the dance floor. Once we got there, I turned to face her and placed a hand on the low of her back before taking her hand in mine. The music started playing and I smiled, knowing that Mali was the one who suggested that song. I swayed softly with Mackenzie, holding her close to my chest as she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist. At this moment, I couldn't be any happier. I married the love of my life and I love knowing that I'll be spending the rest of my life with Mackenzie, my gorgeous wife. I can't believe that after being with her for two years I finally married her and we have a forever together. As the song went on, Mackenzie and I kept dancing as if there was no one else around us and we were the only ones at that moment. She pressed her forehead to mine and looked into my eyes for a bit before she kissed me softly and I kissed her back. The guests clapped as we kissed and the level of happiness in me couldn't be measured with anything. This was the best decision I ever made; marrying Mackenzie was the best thing I could've ever done.


Song: I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing - Aerosmith.

I was definitely glad that Hope let me chose the song for our dance because I had the perfect song in mind that we could dance. Besides the fact that she likes that song, the lyrics are really great. I was never much of a dancer so I was really nervous about the whole dance thing because I didn't want to slip or maybe step on Hope. That would be embarrassing but hilarious either way. When the time for our first dance as Mrs. And Mr. Clifford came, my nerves were definitely eating me alive, inside out. Hope noticed my nervousness and looked at me as we made our way to the dance floor. "Baby, are you okay? You look nervous" she said and looked into my eyes as I faced her so we could dance. I looked at her and smiled nervously as I shook my head. "That's because I am nervous. I don't know how to dance" I admitted to her for the first time since we started going out. She looked at me surprised and a giggle didn't take long to escape her lips. I looked at her confused and then she shook her head, pressing her lips to mine softly as the song I chose started to play. I kissed her softly and placed my hands on her waist, rubbing her sides as we kissed and I pulled her closer to my chest. Hope pulled away and looked at me with a wide smile as Steven Tyler's voice started sounding through the speakers and around the whole venue. "I love that song" she whispered and I nodded with a smile. "I know" I told her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around my neck and then looked at me. "Now we just sway from side to side, gently. And that's how you dance" she said softly and started swaying her body along with mine. I chuckled a bit and swayed with her, getting the hang of it really quick. "It's so easy. I'm such an idiot" I said with a smile as I chuckled. Hope nodded and rested her head against my shoulder. "I know, but you're my idiot" she whispered and I smiled widely as I heard her words. I never was the kind of guy to even go to prom or anything so I never really learned how to dance; I never even had the need to learn to slow dance but for Hope I would do anything. This moment in our wedding meant so much to her and to me too because its our first dance as husband and wife. I always thought that it was just cliché shit but it really does mean something once you experience it with the love of your life.


Song: Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran.

When the moment to dance with Spencer as my wife for the first time, I was excited. I knew what song she had always wanted to dance at her wedding since she was in high school-Victoria told me-and I made sure that that song was the one being played. I looked at Spencer with a smile on my face as I walked with her to the dance floor, really excited to see Spencer's reaction. "Why are you smiling even wider than before? Are you excited about the dance?" She asked softly as a spot light was pointed at us and the rest of the lights went off. That was my idea, probably a bit too cheesy, but I couldn't help it. It's Spencer I wanted to surprise and she loves cheesy things like this. I simply nodded and pecked her nose as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pressed my forehead to hers. She giggled softly and wrapped her arms loosely around my neck before the song started playing and her facial expression changed completely from smiling cutely to completely surprised. Spencer looked into my eyes and pecked my lips. "You did this? For me?" She asked softly and I nodded. "Of course" I whispered and smiled back at her. This is why I did a lot of stuff for her; I would give or do anything to see her smiling like this. I held her close to my chest as we swayed out bodies softly to the rhythm of the song and then hugged her completely. "When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades, and the crowds don't remember my name. When my hands don't play drums the same way, I know you will still love me the same" I sung softly in her ear and held her close before pressing a soft kiss to her shoulder. "I love you so much, Ashton Irwin" she whispered softly, tightening the hug a bit. I knew that she was in the verge of tears but I knew that she wasn't sad, her voice showed how happy she was. "I love you too, Spencer Smith" I whispered back and smiled widely. Honestly, nothing could be even more perfect than right now.

Hello! I decided to add the song for Luctoria's dance since it's k-pop and not a lot of people know k-pop. I put the video with the lyric translation so you can actually know what it says. I hope you like the song, I personally think is really beautiful. And that was the only song I didn't chose since I don't know much about k-pop, my best friend (the actual Victoria) chose it. Hope you like it, thanks for reading.

5SOS Wedding Series.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora