20. Walking Down The Aisle.

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As soon as the music started, I knew that it was time. I got in my place with my hands down and the guys next to me. The bridesmaids started walking down the aisle and then I saw her walking next to her dad in a beautiful white dress. Since I propose I've been thinking about this moment and how beautiful Victoria would look but this is beyond what I ever imagined. Her blonde hair was pulled back and a white single flower decorating her hair. She smiled at me and I smiled back at her. That smile made her look gorgeous, even more than she already is. Victoria and her dad got in front of me and his dad put her hand in mine. "Take care of my little girl, Luke" he said and I nodded. "I will, sir" I replied. Her dad pecked her cheek and whispered something in her ear before going back to his place next to her wife. I interlocked my fingers with Victoria's and then both of us turned to look at the priest.


My nerves were all over the place when the music started playing. The music that indicated that Mackenzie was going to walk down that aisle at any minute. I couldn't wait to see her in her beautiful dress. I couldn't wait to hear two simple words coming from her mouth saying that she'll spend the rest of her life with me. I couldn't wait to start a life with her. The moment I saw her, my nerves went away and my heart slipped a beat. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Her dad was walking down the aisle with her, holding her hand as if it were for the last time. Once her and her dad were in front of me, Mackenzie took one step ahead and looked at her dad. She pecked his cheek and he smiled. "I love you" he said softly to her and rubbed her arm softly before turning to go to his seat. I took both of Mackenzie's hands and I smiled at her. "You look gorgeous, baby" I whispered in her ear and she giggled softly before the priest started the ceremony.


Everyone was there for the ceremony. Our friends and families were all there and I couldn't be happier. Hope was running a little late but I knew that it was normal of her to arrive late somewhere. Besides, she's the bride. She's allowed to be late. A few minutes after the ceremony was supposed to start, Ashton walked towards me from the entrance and then took his place next to me. "She's right outside" he said and patted my shoulder. I smiled widely and took a deep breath right before the doors opened, the music started playing and Hope appeared at the entrance next to her brother. I knew how much she wanted this moment to happen and I did too. The moment she started walking down the aisle, I couldn't believe that this was actually happening. Finally, I'm getting married and to no other than Hope Parker. I didn't have any words to describe her as she walked down the aisle but probably the word that fitted her the most was 'perfect'. Hope stood right in front of me and I took her hand delicately. "Mum and dad are here with us, okay? I love you and you know they do as well" Elliot told her and she nodded with a wide smile. I knew how much her parents meant to her and I was hoping that the priest didn't forget what I told him.


I appreciate that my mum went to get me at that moment because a few minutes later, Spencer arrived. I heard the familiar piano melody fill the place just as Spencer started to walk down the aisle. She looked gorgeous, beautiful, absolutely perfect. Being a bride really fitted her because she looked stunning. Her dad had a wide smile on his face as well as Spencer but behind her smile I could see that she was about to cry. Her smile didn't seem fake though so I knew that those were tears of happiness. "Don't cry" I mouthed to her with a smile and she nodded, looking down to her feet and focusing on every step she took. Once they were in front of me, her dad placed her hand in mine and shook my other hand. He whispered something in Spencer's ear and then kissed her forehead softly before walking to his seat next to Spencer's mum. I looked at Spencer and smiled. "I love you" I whispered and she gave me a wide smile. "I love you too, Ash" she whispered and then we turned to face the priest.

Hey, guys. I know this is short but I'll upload another one in a couple of hours. Thank you all so much for 400 reads, it's unbelievable. I'm glad that you like this story. Ily x.

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