2. Engagement Ring

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I hate being sick, specially this day because I want to buy Victoria's engagement ring. Usually I don't mind being sick because Victoria comes over and takes care of me, bringing me some warm soup and cuddling next to me. Today she can't come over, worst part of all. She has to finish some design for a big British company and it's due today. So, if Victoria is not coming, my mum is. I guess I'll just have to order the ring online. When my mum arrives, she starts cooking some chicken soup as I sit on one of the stools on one side of the counter and scroll through a lot of rings on Tiffany & Co.'s web page. There's a lot to chose from but I don't know if Victoria will like any of these. "Mum, I can't find any ring for Victoria. They are all extravagant and she doesn't like such thing" I sigh and put my phone aside. She turns off the stove and turns to look at me. She takes my phone and starts scrolling up to see all the rings I've seen. "They are all so beautiful Luke, I'm sure Victoria will like any ring you get her" she says with a smile, handing me back my phone and turns to serve me some soup. She puts the plate in front of me and I start eating as she takes the phone again. "I know they are beautiful mum, it's just that none of them are made for Victoria" I sigh and take the phone from her hands and see the ring she was looking at. I drop the spoon and zoom a little bit on the details of the ring. It's so perfect. It says 'Victoria' out loud. Silver base, a medium diamond on the middle, two diamonds of a smaller size on each side of the medium and six little diamonds on each side of the ring next to the ones with smaller sizes. Simple but beautiful, just like Victoria. "Look at this mum, it's perfect. Do you think she'll like it?" I say and take another spoonful of soup. She smiles and sits next to me. "It is beautiful. I'm sure she'll love it" she says reassuringly and rubs my back. "I can't believe you're getting married" she says and I know that we have to change the topic if I don't want her to cry. I smile at her and nod. "Not yet, I still have to propose. Let me go get my credit card, I need to order this right now" I say with a smile and run to my room to get my wallet. I really hope she likes it and, most of all, I hope she says 'yes.'


Sundays are when I visit my mum when I'm not on tour or I'm not recording a new album. I like being at home. I can visit family and I can live a normal life as long as I'm not getting mobbed by fans or followed by paparazzi. I sit in the living room watching a movie with my mum and Mali. A marriage proposal appears on the screen and my mum pauses the movie. When I watch that scene, I feel nervousness running through my body and my mum notices it somehow and looks at me. "Are you nervous?" She asks and I nod. "Really nervous. What if she says no?" I say really worried and look at Mali who has a strange look on her face. Right! I haven't told her I'm proposing to Mackenzie but I supposed that my mum was going to tell her. "Nervous about what?" I look at her and then at my mum. "You don't know? I supposed mum was going to tell you" I say and cannot help the smile on my lips. It just makes me happy that I'm actually going to propose and just thinking about it makes me smile. I look at my mum and she shrugs. "I thought you wanted to tell her" she says and I sigh. "I'm proposing to Mackenzie" I say and Mali's face goes from serious to surprised to happy. She smiled widely and hugs me tightly. "Oh my God! Do you have the ring yet?" She asks really excited as she lets me go and I shake my head. "No, I can't find one that I think Mackenzie will like" I sigh and look down. "Mum, the ring" she whispers and my mum stands up and disappears from the hallway. When she comes back, she has this little black, velvet box in her hands and when she sits next to me, she puts that box in my hands. "Give her this ring" she says with a smile. "It's been in the family for generations going from one Mrs. Hood to another. Your father gave it to me and now it's your turn to give it to Mackenzie" she says and I know she's in the verge of tears. I open the box and find a silver ring with a diamond in the middle, surrounded by a beautiful pattern and tiny diamonds in it. It's in perfect state and it's been in the family for ages. When I see it, I know right away that this is what I've been looking for. It's just what Mackenzie likes, vintage and antique style. "Thanks mum" I hug her tightly and Mali clears her throat. I look at her and she has this 'what-about-me' look on her face and I chuckle. I hug her tightly as well and when she breaks the hug, she asks. "Well, are you going to let me see the ring?" I chuckle and nod, giving her the box so she can see it. The ring is perfect and I can't believe that my mum gave it to me. Now all I have left to do is propose, the thing is I still don't know how or when. I need to organize it as soon as possible, I don't want to wait any longer.


After the pizza arrived, Elliot and I kept talking about how I was going to propose to Hope and everything I had planned until now. As I took a bit of my third slice of pizza, Elliot looked at me and asked. "Do you have a ring yet?" I nod and swallow the piece of pizza I had in my mouth. "I actually do" I say with a smile and take a sip of soda. "Would you like to see it?" My smile was wide as hell, I couldn't stop smiling. "I'd love to" he says and I stand up and go to my room to get the ring. Since Hope comes here really often to sleep over or just to hang out with me, I had to keep the ring in a place where she wouldn't even dare to look, for the past few weeks. My box full of lyrics and personal stuff. She respects my privacy as I respect hers but I'll show her everything I have in there sooner or later. I take the little box with the ring and go back to the living room where Elliot was still eating comfortably. I hand him the ring and I sit next to him. "What do you think?" I ask as he examines the ring carefully. The ring was in a silver color and it wasn't all plain like most of the rings. It had a really interesting design that looked sort of like delicate leaves, or whatever those were, and those were filled with tiny diamonds inside beside the medium diamond in the middle of the ring. "It's great!" He said and put the ring back in it's box and handed it to me. "I'm sure she'll love it" he pats my back and I nod. "Well, she already saw it at the store" I say and take another bite of my pizza. "You took her to choose her own engagement ring?!" He asks really surprised and I laugh out loud. Yeah right, I'd never do that. I take a deep breath and shake my head. "Of course not, you idiot! I was going to buy her a bracelet and she saw the ring while she was looking for a bracelet. She loved it right away and I decided to buy the ring that day. I was afraid someone else bought it" I explain and the relief in Elliot's expression is clear. I'm not that stupid to go to Hope and tell her: 'Hey, let's go pick your engagement ring'... I was about to do that though. "Geez, I mean you're capable of doing that. That's why I kind of panicked" He knows me, can't blame him about his thoughts. Hope is going to get a big surprise when she sees the ring, I know she'll freak out. In a good way, of course.


I have to go pick up the engagement ring I bought for Spencer but I don't want to go alone, so I asked my sister Lauren to come with me to the jewelry store. I put on my beanie and sunglasses before I get out of the car while Lauren doesn't care if she gets spotted or not. I just don't want the paparazzi spreading the news of me getting an engagement ring for Spencer before I propose. That'll probably ruin my plans. I walk in the jewelry store and walk towards the man that was behind the counter. "Hello, I'm here to pick up a ring I ordered a few days ago" I said to him and looked at Lauren who was looking around all the necklaces and bracelets in the store. "Under what name, Sir?" Asks the man and I give him the receipt that a lady gave me the day I ordered the ring. "Ashton Irwin" I say and the man nods. He disappears behind a door at the back of the store and when he comes back, he has this little box in his hands. "Lauren, come here" I ask her and she walks and stands next to me. "Here you go, Sir. Would that be all?" He asks as he hands me the box and I nod. "Yes, thank you" I smile politely and I open the box, revealing the amazing silver ring with diamonds and a 'huge-ass' diamond, as Spencer would call it, in the middle. I liked it because it wasn't simple and plain like most of the rings. I liked it because it was just like Spencer, extravagant and original. "Ashton Fletcher Irwin, this ring is amazing" Lauren says with a huge smile as she takes the box from my hands and takes in all the details of the ring. "Good luck on your proposal, Sir" says the man behind the counter and walks to attend a woman who just walked in the store. "Thanks" I mumble and look at Lauren who was amazed by the ring. "Do you think she'll like it?" I ask a bit nervous and bite my lip. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Lauren asks looking up at me with a huge smile. "She'll love it! She'll just freak out (in a good way) when she sees it and she'll say yes right away!" Lauren states in a 'duh' tone at the end and gives me back the ring. "I hope you're right" I sigh and she hugs me tightly. "You bet I am" she says and I hug her back. I just hope that everything Lauren said is true and Spencer says 'yes.' I just have to get ready to propose to her and I cannot believe that I'm more nervous than the first time I played on stage. God, help me.

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