~Bonus. Background Info: Michael~

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Name: Cathryn Hope Parker.

Nickname: Cat.

Description: Ginger, short hair; blue-greyish eyes, pale skin. 

Height: 5'5"

Age: 25

Born: January 20th, 1996

Nationality: Australian

Family: Desceased parents; 1 older brother, Elliot.

Michael and Hope.

Michael's age: 26.

How long have they been dating? 2 years.

How did they meet? Michael and Hope met at Starbucks. It was a normal morning for both of them, Hope getting her coffee before going to work and Michael getting some breakfast since he had no leftover pizza. Hope ordered her usual coffee and, when she turned around, she bumped into Michael, spilling her coffee all over her shirt and a bit of coffee on his. Since her shirt was white, she had a huge brown stain on the front of her shirt and she was a bit embarrassed since everyone was looking at her. Michael apologised right away and once he noticed the stain in her shirt, he took off his hoodie and offered it to her and offered to buy her another drink. Hope didn't want to take his hoodie but Michael kept insisting until she took it, not really knowing how to give it back to him but was relieved when Michael gave her his number. 

First date: Pizza parlour, arcade.

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