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So this is it guys. The end of perfect people don't exist. I never though I would finish this book, but I did. There's going to be another one!!!

I am pretty sure this is going to be a trilogy, not 100% sure yet though. I really hope you enjoyed this and I am so excited to start the next story. I am letting you guys choose the title

Perfect people do exist

Does perfect last?

My perfect

These are the choices for the title of the next book.

Now onto the blurb:

Ezra and Carter were off to Princeton. They were ready for the next chapter of their lives, with college comes new friends, new adventures and new everything! So what happens when Ezra's ex comes into the picture? Does Carter not know as much about his boyfriend as he'd like to? Is Ezra's perfect about to all be shredded? Is that the only drama going on in their lives or is there more?

Thank you so much for reading this story. I really hope you enjoyed it!

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