13. deja vu

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♫ someone new by banks ♫ 


She was home, finally. And no Julien to be found as of yet either. 

To take to her relief, Greta ordered Chinese food and found refuge on the couch. Her eyes kept their focus on her steady rewatch of The Return of the King

As one hour descended into two, and the clouds made way for the dark outside her window, it wasn't long before she found a sense of boredom latching onto her ever-so-tightly. 

She almost wanted to call Kelly to hang out with her again but knew that she and Lulu were busy getting their donor, Miles a place nearby. 

There was Cora, but she'd barely been an option as of late. And Greta couldn't tell if maybe she was just too occupied with the bliss of her new relationship, or too disapproving of Greta rekindling her old one. 

But another scroll past his name fed an urge to her system that she was starting to get tired of. 

She wanted to dial Eli's number again. She wanted to hear his voice, make him feel better almost as much as she wanted him to do the same to her. And so she gave in to her very wishes, waiting for two or three rings before finding him again. 


*What's up is that you kinda dropped the call on me last night.*

*I told you, I was tired. I'm 3 hours ahead, you know?*

*I know, I get it. I just- I just wish you knew you could talk to me too.*

*I ain't really sure how me talkin' about my dead dad's supposed to make us laugh like old times.*

*Well, at least now we have something else in common.*

*I thought you had both your parents.*

*Yeah, Stuart he's... My mom married him sometime after our dad died.*

*Shit... Greta-*

*No, no don't do that. It's fine. It was years ago.*

*What happen?*

Then, Greta found herself standing from both the movie and her lo mien. Treading lightly over to her window, she stared out at the ground below. All she could do, however, was frown at the sight of snow beginning to fall from the skies. For with the snow came a somber recollection.

*It was snowing, just like it is tonight. He and I made this deal that if I kept my room clean for a whole week, then he'd buy me this box of cereal that I always wanted. So I did that, and he decided to leave that night to go pick up a box. From what the policeman said, it was snowing so hard that he couldn't see the lines on the road, then crashed into this railing. All that, just because I wanted some damn cereal, y'know?*

*I know that it ain't your fault.

*Do you feel that way when you think about your mom?*

And for a moment, silence took over the line. 

*I guess you got a point.*

*You should come back home. We can talk about this together. You know, like we used to?*

*Greta... I don't know if I'm ready for all that.*

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