19. bridges

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Greta was getting used to this shade of brown again. 

Brunette hair was always Julien's favorite

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Brunette hair was always Julien's favorite. And for a time, she couldn't see herself donning her natural blonde ever again. 

But she supposed things had to get back to normal sometime. Diamond ring on her finger. Dark brown colors adorning her strands. And Julien at her side once again. 

In the days that passed, she and he tried again. She pushed Malik to the side, got on with her life, and forced herself to not grow too cautious of her fiance's actions. Luckily, with Christmas on the rise, there wasn't much of him leaving. 

"We should reserve these days for each other." He would say to her, and they had been the most relieving words he could've ever graced her with. Greta could see their lives reform now. She didn't need to remind herself of Malik Clayton, of what he could be doing now or who he could be with. 

She was on the precipice of setting him free finally. He can go on with his life, be with other people just like she had been with Julien. There was no reason to go back around this circle of theirs. Of him wanting her at the wrong time or her wanting him as well. 

She didn't have to plague herself with wondering about his feelings again, or what he would do to take her mind off him. She shouldn't have to lay in her bed every night, cuddled so indifferently next to her fiance, and recall how tenderly her ex-boyfriend would hold her body. 

Or her heart for that matter. 

No. She was free. As was he. Malik and Greta are done and there was no need to revisit that. 

And Greta kept to that notion until there was a knock on the door. And to her surprise, Cora was the one standing on the other side. Marcus was also in tow, and she wasn't sure why. 

"What's wrong?" Was her first question. But her sister remained to look at her coldly before sneaking a cautious glance up at her boyfriend. 

Then she asked in return. "Is he in there?" 

Rolling her eyes, she knew well enough of Cora's disdain for Julien. But she backed away to invite them in any way. "I'm alone right now," She said. "but he'll be back in an hour." 

The two then walked inside the loft, with Marcus glancing around impressed. "This place looks nice in the daytime." 

Upon his comment, Greta glared at Cora, remembering the night she and Kelly first caught them in bed together. "Well, take one good look at it, Kelly's brother, 'cause your little girlfriend here wasn't supposed to have boys over here in the first place."

Cora scoffed, then blushed, and soon found her way over to the couch in the living room. 

And watching her, Greta remained curious. "So what's up? Did someone die?" 

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