23. little sister

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Cora arrived at his door for the first time in what felt like forever.

Cora arrived at his door for the first time in what felt like forever

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Seeing Malik was rarer nowadays, but she needed something to do. With Marcus driving Greta around, and Kelly and Lulu spending time with their own friends, she was in need of a little company of her own. Her stress wouldn't allow her to want anything else, after all. 

As soon as the door opened, she smiled nervously. Her arrival was no doubt unexpected. And she was almost sure that the last set of people he wanted to see right now would be anyone with the name Abney. 

But he let her in, and the nervousness only crept in deeper. "Sup big bro," She greeted as she walked ever so cautiously across the floors of the entryway. With hesitance, she wandered over to where she recalled his bedroom to be. 

One look there, and there was no one. Some satiation was found there. 

"You've been a pretty busy bee, haven't you?" Cora soon asked, making her way down the hall. 

She opened up another door, finding no one in there as well. "New business..."

Then, she reached a room across the hall. And upon unveiling what was behind that one, she huffed in a conflicting array of disappointment, yet relief. 

"New people..." 

And yet, he remained standing there near the door, watching on with annoyance. "Yeah, you and 'ol girl definitely related," Malik muttered. 

"What was that?" Cora then called out in playful indignation. 

"There somethin' I can help you with, Cor'?" 

Finding him again, she shrugged in nonchalance. She almost believed that he could read her mind in that instant, and that more than enough of the conversation could be started as soon as he figured out what she was thinking. 

But she was wrong. 

"So are you coming to Kelly's thing tomorrow or no?" 

And Malik smirked. For he knew the exact reason linking to the curiosity within her question. "Yeah, I'll just be there." 

"Just you?"

"Just me."

Cora, however, quirked a brow in disbelief, leaving him to scoff some before responding. "Alex and Olive are in New York. And I just dropped my girl off at the train station." 

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