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It was July 25, 2013.

Scarlett Anderson's 13th birthday. And, coincidentally Samantha Anderson's 35th birthday. So, obviously, the Anderson Family had to celebrate.

And, celebrate they did!

In short, the five of them went to a nice restaurant, which they barely get the chance to go to. After a longish car ride it was getting dark. So, they went to a nearby firework show. Even with their ears ringing, they all had fun.

And, of course, they went to the hospital that Scarlett was born in, and said a soft prayer with the various doctors and nurses who were there exactly 13 years ago.
They prayed for Scarlett's late twin Steven, who passed away due to prematurity.

After a few minutes, and a lot of birthday wishes for the mother-daughter combo, they unwinded with a movie night.

Slowly, everyone's consciousness blinked out like a light, a softest blanket of sleep draping over all of them until morning.

Suddenly, it was November. November 16th to be exact.

Scarlett had come home from classes in hopes of spending some long-awaited time with her family.

But, as you'll see, fate had other plans.

For when she came home, it wasn't quiet, but rather bursting with sound and light. It was all there.

The well-known red, blue and orange lights, and the deafening sirens that a police car and an ambulance make when put together -- even the bad feeling that comes with it.

Taking a deep breath, Scarlett mustered up the courage to walk up to a nearby police officer. Upon getting there, she choked on her words, her eyes asking the question her lips were struggling with.

And what she got in response left her numb, the bad feeling within her core the only thing she felt, as it grew stronger and stronger.

"Seems to be a suicide", the officer started, not even giving Scarletta side glance.

"The commiter's name is Samantha Anderson, passed away from.." The rest of his words went unheard by Scarlett, the words she managed to hear floating around her head.

Suicide. Samantha. Anderson. Passed. Away.
Samantha Anderson passed away from suicide.
Her mom had passed away from suicide.

Her mom had passed away.

She quickly dashed inside her house, a small hope rising that it was all a sick prank.

But, a prank it so clearly wasn't.

It was, however, a stone-faced dad, conversing with an officer. It was an older sister, bawling in the arms of a surprisingly calm and composed future brother-in-law. It was the grieve-stricken face of an adopted younger brother.

It was her mother, in a noose hanging from the ceiling, her eyes unseeing and her skin pale, except for the ugly burn from the rope around her neck.


Everything was spinning. Her vision blurred.


The lights, the sirens, her mother's dead body, her grieving family all in one big blur.


And, then she awoke.


She was taken back to the present, gasping for breath.

June 6th, 2018. 2:20 AM, according to her phone.

Scarlett was in her room, her very concerned sister by her side. Sweat was beading down her neck and across her forehead. Her breathing and heartbeats erratic, coming just as fast as they went.

"Damn it, Scarlett, that's the 4th time this month! Was it the same dream?" Her sister, Holly, asked, not noticing how her younger sister flinched at the harsh tone behind her words.

"Mhm..", Scarlett hummed guilty, upser due to her waking her sister up again.

'No wonder she's moving in with Barry.' Scarlett thought, biting her lip from shame.

'She was probably sick of me and my dreams.... Hell, I know I am', Scarlett found herself thinking. It wasn't the first time this had happened, and it definitely wasn't the last.

"I'm sorry, Hol.", Scarlett starts softly, looking down sheepishly. "I didn't mean to wake you."

A small pause.

"Again. "

A soft sigh escaped from Holly's lips, before she reluctantly pulled her sister into a hug, which was much needed and appreciated by the younger -- although she could do without the pity that seeped into it.

"C'mon Scar, don't be sorry." Holly mumbles, stroking her sister's brunette hair as suddenly aware of how fragile her sister's mental state was.

"It's not like you do it on purpose."

Breaking free from her sister's hug, Scarlett quickly takes a drink from the cup of water she always leaves by her bed in case of something like this, finding herself calming down rather quickly.

After a tiny consoling session, and more pity-filled hugs, she slept like a baby, her dream long forgotten.

Well, for now, at least.

It always came back, no matter what. Sometimes back-to-back, sometimes with months in-between. It never ceased to come back. Because it wasn't simply a nightmare. But rather, a memory, or a flashback.

Her mother's death hit Scarlett hard. And her brain wasn't going to let her forget that.

At least, not anytime soon.

A/N: And so it begins! Any thoughts so far?

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First Edit: Nov. 13th, 2021.
Second Edit: Nov. 23rd, 2021.
Third Edit: Dec. 1st, 2021.

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