Chapter 5

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"... Scarlett, what the fuck?!"

Holly exclaimed, eyes wide at her sister's crazy assumption, to which Scarlett just sighed.

"Yup, saw that coming."

"Why the hell do you think Mom was murdered?" Holly yelped, taking and gripping her sister hand as hard as she could, ignoring Scarlett's wince of pain.

"Holly.." Scarlett started softly, but to no avail, as Holly kept ranting.

"I know you and Mom were close, but her being murdered? And the police doesn't even know? That's  fucking insane!!"


"Just because you fainted, doesn't mean you can make such stupid assumptions!" Holly screamed, grabbing her sister by her shoulders and shaking her, seemingly forgetting that the latter was passed out just a few moments ago.

"How stupid can you get, Scar?!"

"Hey hey, what the crap?!"
"Holly, what the hell!?"

Two voices sounded from the room door, the sound of cellophane hitting the floor being drowned out by two different footsteps, going in opposite directions to a different sister each.

"Oh, great! Now there's witnesses." Holly sighed, pulling back from her sister and facepalming.

"You alright, Letti?" Scarlett jumped slightly, turning around to see two concerned eyes looking back at her.

"Yeah, Jake. I'm fine." Scarlett reassured with a nod.

"Good. Now, what the heck, Holly?" Julia asked, seriousness seeping into her usually joyful tone.

"Ask her! Scar, tell them what you said to me!"

"I'm pretty sure anything she says couldn't be worth you choking her, Holly." Jake says stubbornly, scowling at Holly, who returned it.

"I didn't choke her. And, even if I did, it wouldn't be any of y'all's business, anyway."

"Excuse me, I think it very much is m-"

"Guys." Scarlett interrupted, passing a slightly irritated glance between the three.

"Can you not do this? At least, not now?"

Once everyone gave some sort of positive response, Scarlett continued.

"Now. As for this thing I told you Holly, I would prefer to wait until Dad gets here."

"But, why? So you don't have to repeat yourself?" Holly asked mockingly.

"Yes." Scarlett snapped back, rubbing her eyes and leaning back in her hospital bed.

"You- Wait a minute." Holly started, shifting in her seat. "You brung her flowers?"

"Huh?" Scarlett jerked up, scanning the room to find said object on the floor, having dropped when the two ran in.

"Hey, it was Jake's idea!" Juila said, suddenly sitting in a seat on the other end of the room.

"God, could you be any cheesier?" Holly groaned.

"That's what I said!" Juila agreed.

"Hey, I think it's sweet." Scarlett defended, lightly ruffling Jake's hair, to which Jake kissed Scarlett on her cheek.

"Oh, God. I'm gonna puke."

"Why, Holly? You jelly or something? " Jake asked teasingly. 

"No. Why would I be?" Holly raised an eyebrow.

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