Chapter 22

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"Wha- Oh. Hey, Dad"

Howard smiled sadly.

"Good afternoon, sleepyhead."

"What, no fatherly expressions of love?" Scarlett teased, soon lightly rubbing her eyes.

"Should there be?"

"I mean, there normally is so.. I would assume so."

"Roger that then, Darling." Howard chirped, the hand falling on Scarlett's making her look up at him.

The way Howard looked could only be described as one thing.


His eyes were gloomy, and had slight bags under them that were becoming more prominent every day. His smile had become forced.

Everything about him at that moment just screamed sadness and tiredness.

Scarlett was heartbroken. How had she not seen what this whole situation was doing to her father?

"Don't blame yourself, Sweetheart." Samantha's voice distracted Scarlett temporarily.

"You were going through your own stuff."

'Still am, Mother. Thanks for the reminder.' Scarlett thought bitterly, squeezing her fathers hand slightly.

"Oh fine. Just know I'm not sure how long I can hold these two off. They're really adamant on seeing you."

'Gotcha. Gimme a few minutes.'

Samantha didn't respond, so Scarlett was sure she got the message.

"Dad." Scarlett called softly, breaking the comfortable silence that settled over the room.

"You look tired."

"That's because I am tired, Darling." Howard said truthfully.

"Maybe you should go get some rest."

"And leave you here by yourself? I'm sorry, but I can't do that."

"All due respect, Mr. Anderson. But she won't be by herself." A voice sounded from the door.

Scarlett craned her neck in order to see who was with them. Not like she needed to, but it made her feel better to check.

'Good job of holding them off, Ma.' Scarlett thought with a silent chuckle as Jake and Juila walked inside the room, and stood on the side of Scarlett's bed that Howard wasn't.

"Oh hush. Good Luck, Sweetie."

'Gee, thanks.'

"Well then. What a coincidence." Howard chuckled, leaning back in his chair before standing up completely.

There was a pull-out bed right next to the window on the other side of the room, and Howard quickly claimed it. Even though his legs were quite well off of the bed, he was out within seconds.

"Well, that was fast." Jake murmured.

"Can you blame him? Poor Dad probably hasn't gotten a good night's sleep in a week." Scarlett sighed, staring absent-mindedly at her father's sleeping form.

"I told you it's not your fau-"

"It is though, Mother." Scarlett's voice shook, hurt seeping through the green of her irises.  Scarlett faced the sheets if her bed, not wanting face the attention and the pitying looks that were placed upon her.

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