Chapter 11

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"Shh.. It's okay.. Let it all out."

Scarlett wished she could stop the tears. She wished she could stop the tears so she could move out from under the bombshell that was dropped on top of her, and on with her decision.

But, no matter how hard she tried, they just kept going, hurling down her face at an alarming rate as her sobs got noticeably louder.

She had never cried this much in her life. She never really cried, especially not in front of other people, so Jake and Juila didn't know what to do.

After her mother died, she became somewhat immune to crying.

So, where did this come from?

"It's not healthy to keep your emotions bottled up like this." Everyone heard Samantha voice in a hushed tone, reading Scarlett's thoughts it seemed.

"I know you, Sweetheart. This might be your only chance of release for a while. I'm taking advantage of it."

"But, I thought you could control her body?" Jake mumbled skeptically, obviously reminiscing of the punch he had gotten.

"Exactly. I can control her body. Not her emotions. Such as, when she cries."

"And for Pete's sake, get over the damn punch already!" Juila said, obviously annoyed.

"Easy for you to say!" Jake defended.

"She healed it, didn't she? Plus, under the circumstances, can you really blame her?"

"I said I was sorry. At least, I meant to."

"Still! Do you know what's it like to be punched in the face by someone with supernatural force?!"

"You both.. are about to find.. out if you don't.. stop.." Scarlett muttered through her uncontrollable tears and sobs.

'Mom, stop already! I need to be able to talk, ya know!'

"No you don't. " Juila said casually.

"Yeah. Samantha can translate for us."

"I never agreed to that, but okay."

'In my defense, a lot of what you guys say go in one ear and out the other.' Scarlett shrugged, before doubling over, one arm on her stomach while the other was over her face.

'Mom, knock it off!! Or you'll wake Dad!!' She begged, her voice become raw as she wailed.

She hated being seen like this. That's probably why she never really cried anymore.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, her tears seemed to slow and her voice got softer, until both eventually came to a complete stop.

"Thank you." Scarlett breathed, shocking herself slightly at how raspy her voice was.

Groaning, she quickly got up and stumbled out of her room. Her eyes were all puffy, and it was hard to walk in a straight line.

After some extensive help from Jake and Juila, and almost falling down the stairs a few times, they arrived in the kitchen. Jake and Juila sat down at the table while Scarlett got herself some water.

"So," Jake started, interlocking his fingers and resting his chin upon them. "How exactly is.. this going to work?" He asked.

'What are you babbling about this time?' Scarlett thought, tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for the glass she grabbed to fill with water.

"Oh please. Don't act like you don't love it." Jake said cheekily.

'What makes you say that?" Scarlett replied, turning around so she could raise an eyebrow at the male.

"Well, maybe because of that one time where you-"

"Oh for- Just get on with it, Jake!" Juila interrupted, saving Scarlett the embarrassment of another one of Jake's extensive stories.

There were so many she couldn't even tell which one he was talking about. Just thinking about it made her hold back a shudder, as she sat down across from the others bringing the glass to her lips as she greedily drank the water her voice and throat craved.

"Please. I'm tired of translating already." Samantha begged.

"Right. What I meant was, how are we supposed to help Samantha?"

Scarlett stilled, the realization that she never told the two how she felt about them helping her with her mother's situation hit her square in the face.

"I mean, it's not like anyone we know would want to kill her.. right?" Jake continued, looking at the others for backup.

"Well, in all fairness, the only person who would know that is Scar." Juila responded, gesturing to the said female, who had become very rigid.

Although, not to their knowledge.

"She's the only one out of us three who knew Samantha when she was alive." Juila continued.

"Ahem." Samantha said in the warning tone everyone in the room knew too well.

'Four.' Scarlett thought, refilling the now empty cup in her hand.

"What?" Jake asked, genuinely confused which made the girls facepalm in unison.

"You said you didn't know who it was!" Juila explained, crossing her arms. "I thought that ruled you out!"

"I mean, there's Holly. She knew her when she was alive. " Jake suggested.

"Did you see how she reacted when Scar told her that Samantha was murdered? Do you really think she'll want to help?" Juila responded, staring at the male with an accusatory look.

"Okay, maybe not Holly." Jake agreed after some time.

"Scarlett? You're awfully quiet. What's on your mind?" Samantha asked the girl directly, as the others didn't notice how unusually quiet she had gotten. Scarlett sighed internally.

'I just don't want them to get hurt, Mom. There's just way too many ways this while thing could go wrong. I mean, what if-'

"That's your problem." Samantha scolded lightly, stopping Scarlett in her thoughts and movements.

"You're getting caught in the what ifs. I promise you, nothing bad will happen to either of you. Not if I could help it. Mkay?"

Scarlett was left speechless. Her mother had a point, but she didn't want to put her friends at risk. But, then again, it still would be nice to have some help.

"You know you never said if they could help you." Samantha said, bringing the attention of the others to go straight to Scarlett, which is where she didn't want it to be.

"Well.. Uhm.." Scarlett struggled to find the words. She was still conflicted about whether she should let them help her or not.

However, she didn't know if it was the hopeful look in the eyes of her friends, or her mother's words finding their way back into her mind, probably due to Samantha herself, that made her say what she said.

Either way, she knew she wouldn't be able to turn back now.

And, oddly enough, the thought comforted her.

A/N: Slightly shorter chapter today! Any last predictions?

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First Edit: Nov. 16th, 2021.
Second Edit: Nov. 28th, 2021.
Third Edit: Dec. 6th, 2021.

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