Chapter 8

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"Welcome back!"

The joyful screams that sounded when Scarlett walked into her home was enough to scare a good 5 years off her life.

Her mind had been running a marathon in her skull to look for a somewhat reasonable excuse for the things she had said earlier that day, but this surprise was enough to end it all.

The worse part was the fact that she lost. 

However, despite all of this, she welcomed her "party" with the widest smile she could make look convincing, glancing around at the various faces around the living room with surprise -- hopefully -- etched into her face.

"Aw, you guys didn't have to come." Scarlett chuckled softly, quickly being hugged by Juila and Ben.

"Obviously you don't know your own friends, Scar." Holly remarked.

"Oh, shush, Holly." Scarlett said, flopping on the couch only to immediately be enveloped in another hug, courtesy of Jake.

"She has a point.." Ben mumbled under his breath, causing Scarlett to send a half-hearted glare his way.

"Anyways!" Howard called, clapping his hands slightly at get everyone's attention.

"I have to get back to work, so I guess I'll see you guys later. And please, don't burn the house down."

"I don't know, Mr. Anderson." Juila said sheepishly. "Your daughters have the tendency to-"

"To what?" Holly and Scarlett murmered at the same time, both looking at Juila with an intense glare.

"I rest my case." Juila muttered, looking to the floor to escape the smouldering glances she was getting.

"Bye, everyone! And please, go easy on Scarlett. She's been through enough today with y'all hounding her. "

Howard nodded at both females who returned it with a soft smiles, before walking out of the house, hearing a slight click and footsteps as he walked away.

Scarlett stared after him longingly, knowing they wouldn't heed her father's warning.

She looked around. Holly was busy on her phone, while Julia and Ben were engaged in a quiet conversation. It was only a matter of time before their attention shifted her, and the thought made her hands clammy.

She was in the middle of preparing her excuse when she felt a slight nudge on her side.

She turned slightly, and was staring into the eyes of a concerned Jake, eyebrows raising in an unspoken question.

"Are you okay?" He seemed to ask.

Scarlett, picking up on this question, just shrugged and rested her head on his shoulder, his arm snaking around her waist as a soft sigh past her lips.

'Depends on you're definition of okay is..'


Scarlett felt goosebumps run over her skin as the normally welcome voice whispered in her mind. Her half-lidded eyes shot open, her body twitching ever-so-slightly.

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