Chapter 2

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"Oh for Pete's sake, we weren't making out!"

Those was the first words Scarlett heard when she walked into the kitchen, her face still lightly pink from the scene that just took place in the hallway.

"Oh yeah?" Juila asked suspiciously, taking a quick peak at Scarlett before turning back to Jake, who she noticed was oddly defensive.

"Then, why is Scar blushing?"

"I-" Scarlett's words were caught in her throat when Jake fixed her with a slight shake of his head, his bouncing hair going unnoticed by everyone else.

"So?" Juila pushed, placing everyone's attention on Scarlett, who was getting more flustered with every second as her eyes flicked between Jake and Juila nervously.

What the hell was she supposed to do here?

Luckily she didn't have to choose.
As her father quickly grabbed a big piece of Juila's omelette, and ate it with a swift glup.

"Huh?" Juila turned at the sound of Howard's silverware dropping on his plate, looking up just in time to seeher swallow.

"Mr. Anderson!"

"And there'll be more where that came from if you don't stop interrogating my daughter, Ms. Cassidy. Now, eat."

"Hmph." Juila pouted, not noticing the look of gratitude Scarlett passed her father, which he just winked to before gesturing for her to sit down with the rest of them.

"So, Ben." Howard started, once Scarlett sat down. "How's the heart?"

"Still beating, Mr. Anderson." Ben spoke proudly, patting his chest with a soft smile.

"Nice, nice. And your bracelet?"

"Onyx all the way."

Before tragedy struck and Samantha passed, according to Howard, she planned to gift each of her children with a different jeweled accessory for their 16th birthday.

But, her family was a special case.

When Samantha and Howard got married, they each had 1 kid. Howard had Holly, while Samantha had Ben. Ben went to go live with his father, while Samantha stayed with Howard and Holly.

However, when Ben's father, Maxwell Jacobs, came rushing over to the Anderson's with the news Ben was in the hospital, needing a heart transplant within a week, the family was devastated.

Mostly Samantha it seems, as almost 3-4 days later, she went into labor with Scarlett and her twin, Steven. During which, the doctors said that Ben was too small for his age at the time, and therefore a regular heart would probably be catastrophic for him.

As the two were premature, they were already not that healthy, and unfortunately, Steven passed shortly after birth.

Seeing as Ben was in critical condition, Maxwell decided to hope for a miracle and uses Steven's heart for the transplant, knowing it would be smaller than more.

After getting an earful from Howard and Samantha, the doctor came back with wonderful news.

Scarlett had made it, and so had Ben!

However, after Ben's surgery, Maxwell went off the map. But, since Samantha was his biological mother, she was able to take custody of the young male, and the family welcomed him, and his new heart, with open arms.

As Holly was the oldest, she was the first one to get her jewel accessory. She had gotten an Amethyst ring, with her name engraved on the band -- which she quickly disregarded when Barry proposed.

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