Chapter 13

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"Food's done!"

The exclamation was enough for everyone in the living room to stand up fron their respective sears, stretching as if they've been there for hours.

"Finally! I'm starving! Let's go!" Jake exclaimed, wrapping his arm around Scarlett and basically dragging her to the kitchen.

"Yah! Jake, let me go!" Scarlett exclaimed, halfheartedly trying to move away from the male.

"Nope!" Jake exclaimed, as they walked towards the kitchen table.

"Do they have to do that all the time?" Juila asked, crossing her arms over her chest as she also made her way towards the kitchen.

"Obviously, Jules." Ben responded, walking in stride with the female as they walked. He had come back to the house like he had said, much to Howard's dismay since he had to make more food that he thought.

Juila pouted as they sat down at the table. It was around 10:00 PM, and stars were littered around the black sky as the group started eating.

"What, no kale?" Scarlett asked teasingly once she saw that Howard had made them burgers with fries.

Her favorite, coincidently.

"I could always get you some if you want it so bad." Howard replied coolly, looking at Scarlett with a raised eyebrow.

"Nah, I'm good. Thank you, Father." Scarlett said, munching on a fry quickly as a chuckle broke out around around the table.

"Good save, Scar." Juila mumbled into her burger.

"I try, Jules." Scarlett responded, giving the latter a fist bump.

Howard chuckled softly.

"Okay! So," Howard said loudly, causing everyone to look at him questioningly. "I am tired, so I'm gonna go to sleep. Does anybody need anything before I do?"

"Depends," Scarlett started, turning towards her father with a nonchalant look. "Do you have-"

"Anyone else? No? Okay then!" Howard said, cutting off his daughter with a smile and a clap.

"Don't wake me up unless-"

"-there's blood or death. We know, Mr. Anderson." Juila finished with a soft smile.

"Goodnight, everyone!" Howard smiled, waving before walking towards his room.

"Hmph."Scarlett pouted, munching on a fry.

"Awe, it's okay Scar." Jules said, suppressing a giggle.

"I didn't even say anything!!" Scarlett defended, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Well, Scarlett, what were you going to ask for?" Ben wondered, causing all eyes to look at her.

"...That's not the point!"

"It kinda is the point, Sweetie.." Samantha murmured in Scarlett's mind, causing her to flinch slightly.

"Shhh." Scarlett thought and hissed, looking at both Jake and Juila, who nodded as discretely as they could.

"So, Ben." Jake broke the silence, picking up a French fry and popping it in his mouth, swallowing before continuing.

"You single?"

"Jake!" Scarlett and Juila exclaimed at the same time, one of which lightly smacked him on the arm.

"Yeah, I am. Are you?" Ben asked, taking a sip from Juila's glass of water with a nod in her direction.

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