Chapter 30

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"Ugh.. My back.."

Scarlett had barely processed these words through her slumber, although she wasn't sure who had spoken them. She shrugged it off and aimed to go back to sleep.

However, before she was able to even try it, whatever she was laying her head on jerked away, followed quickly by what she was resting on, which caused her to fall and jolt awake.

She didn't had time to put her hands up in order to stop her from hitting the chair next to her, and her head hit it with a thud!


"Whoops! Sorry, Scar!" Holly's voice sounded from besides Scarlett, who was rubbing her head slightly.

"It's whatever." Scarlett grumbled, trying to wipe the sleep from her eyes as her sister slowly became clearer.

Scarlett rubbed her neck. "Man, are you uncomfortable." She teased lowly. "Don't ever become a pillow."

"Y'know, Barry used to say the same thing."

"Yeah, I'm not surprised." Scarlett chuckled mirthlessly before facing Holly.

Scarlett could tell she was looking back in her mind, reliving the happy moment she spent with Barry before his passing.

Scarlett tilted her head, caught between comforting her sister or leaving her to her thoughts. While she knew it would be best to lend a hand, she wasn't sure if Holly was still upset with her. Afterall, it wouldn't be unlike Holly to hold a grudge.

Especially when it went down like it did.

So, the two stayed in a less-than-comfortable silence, neither one knowing what to say to each other.

Just as both of them opened their mouths to try and lighten up the mood, someone broke the silence for them.

"Hey, you're both awake." Ben said through a yawn, stretching.

"Ben? Where'd you sleep?" Scarlett asked, trying to peek in the direction where he came from.

"Oh, one of the nurses offered me a room."

"And you didn't think to tell her to offer us the same?" Holly murmured, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, y'all just looked so cozy." Ben shrugged, sitting down while rubbing his eyes.

"Plus, I think she just liked me. Which, ya know." Ben added, popping his imaginary collar with a slight bite of his bottom lip.

"Wait wait wait," Scarlett started, walking towards the now confused male.

"You don't plan on cheating on Jules with this nurse, do ya?"

"What?! No!!" Ben yelped. "I would never do that to-"

He cut himself off upon seeing Scarlett's smirk.

"Hey, that's not cool!" Ben frowned, causing both Scarlett and Holly to chuckle.

"Maybe not, but it's effective." Holly snickered, causing Ben to pout, his face turning a dark red.

"I don't like you guys." Ben spat, crossing his arms.

"That's fine." The sisters said in unison, the smallest chuckle bubbling from their lips.

That was the last thing that was released into the air before silence invaded the space once more, this one slightly more comfortable thsn the last one.

Scarlett peeked at her siblings next to her. 

Ben looked okay, his hair slightly disheveled from sleep. However, Holly looked as though she was one piece of bad news away from completely falling apart.

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