Chapter 19

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"Scarlett? Scarlett, can you hear me?"

Scarlett opened her eyes, to find white. She was back, in the same place where she first met her mother after her death.

However, something was different. She felt it.

But, oddly enough, she didn't feel scared by it.

She felt comforted by it, actually.

There was something about this place, too. It made a warm feeling appear in her chest, one that she was too distraught to notice the first time around.

"Yes, I can hear you." Scarlett thought, shocking herself that she could actually speak.

However, she wasn't sure if her mother could hear her.


Well, that answers that question.

"Now, get comfortable. We've got lots to go over."


Howard had come home around 30 minutes later. He had spent more time in a hospital this week than his entire life, and it was starting to take a toll on him.

He was looking forward to being able to collapse on his bed, and to taking a much-needed nap.

So, you could imagine his disappointment when he got out of his car and saw Jake at the door.

Holding back a groan, he approached the younger with a tired smile.

"I thought you had a key, why're you standing out here like you're looking for a signature?"

"If I was, would you give it to me?" Jake questioned, looking up at him with a mischievous gleam to his eyes.

"Haha. But, seriously, what's up?" Howard asked as he unlocked the door.

"I came to ask for your blessing, kind and understanding sir." Jake asked, the smallest accent lacing his tone.

Howard froze, and looked back at Jake in disbelief.

Jake rubbed the back of his neck, clearing his throat before continuing.

"Sorry. But, I just wanted to talk to Let- uhm, Scarlett really quickly."

"So quickly you forgot your key?" Howard mused, walking through the door with Jake trailing behind.


"Well, that seems like something you would do. I'll allow it. I just need some sleep." Howard said, beelining to his room and flopping on his bed. He closed his eyes, and heard Jake walking up the stairs. Sighing, he started to drift to sleep.



Howard's eyes shot open, and his body reacted before his mind could catch up. He ran out of his room, eyes wide.

The Family MissionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora