Chapter 7

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"No one can know but you.."

Scarlett sighed softly, answering the many questions the doctors had for her as nonchalantly as seemingly possible. She was mentally prepared herself for the onslaught of questioning she was sure she was in for as soon as the doctors finished checking on her, despite still being in shock about what her mother had talked to her about.

And the fact that her mother had talked to her at all.

Just the thought of the predicament she found herself in just raised more questions. Every possible explanation that Scarlett came up with didn't make any sense.

'Probably because this whole situation didn't make any sense.' Scarlett thought, a sour expression finding itself on her face as she heard the doctors final report on what she was going through.

Or at least, what they thought she was going through.

"Welp, your daughter seems just fine; she can be discharged as soon as you fill out a form at the reception. Just needs to get more sleep. If she ever has problems like this again, be sure to come here. Don't hesitate. Especially if the events become more intense."

The doctor rattled off the information to Howard, which made Scarlett almost snort at the 'diagnosis', rolling her eyes.

'You try finding out your dead mother has been giving you nightmares on purpose for the past 5 years, and see how fine you are, or how much damn sleep you ge-'

"Okay, we'll keep that in mind." Her fathers voice broke her from her internal rant, as he suddenly appeared by her side.

"We'll be down in a minute."

"Okay sir. Take your time."

Howard nodded slightly as the doctor left the room, Scarlett letting go of a breath she was unconsciously holding.

"You can stop fisting the bedsheets, Scar. He's gone." Holly said, walking towards the younger with a soft smirk on her face, despite the pure worry in her eyes.

"Huh?" Scarlett looked down at her hand, which was indeed gripping the sheets with a white-knuckle grip.

"Oh. Whoops." Scarlett quickly let go, flexing her hand in and out of a fist to get the blood flowing again.

Even though she was quite certain that was all for nothing, as soon after she let go, her father grabbed his hand in both of his own, with a grip that could only be described as fatherly.

"Don't do that again, Darling. " Howard said in a serious tone, which made Scarlett slightly concerned, but mostly nervous.

Could he mad that she said Mom was murdered? It was pretty obvious that Holly was, at least at first.

'I mean, it's not like I was lying. Mom herself confirmed it!' Scarlett thought, and proceeded to mentally facepalm.

Like anyone would believe that.

Hell, she barely believed it.

Her head was racing, so fast that she nearly missed what Howard had said.

"You scared me nearly to death, Scarlett. "

Suddenly, she remembered what her father and sister had said while they thought she was sleeping. She almost smiled at the thought, but the feeling was short-lived, as she was quickly reminded of the sound of her father crying, replaying seemingly on loop in her mind.

"Uhm," Scarlett started, swallowing the lump that was quickly forming in her throat before it stopped her from speaking. "S-Sorry, Dad.. I.. uhm.."

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