Chapter 18

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Scarlett cleared her throat, wiping her eyes before responding.

"Hol'? What's up?"

"Any chance you were at my house recently?" Scarlett could hear the desperation in her sisters voice, and she was momentarily confused as to what could make her sister feel that way.

"Yeah I went over there because you said to, but, I got the second text late."

As Scarlett was lying through her teeth, she began to hear a loud sound, one that made her bite her lip nervously.

"D-Do you know what happened to Barry?!" Holly screamed into the phone, the sound of sirens growing louder.


"Scar? Are you there?" Holly asking, noticing now suddenly Scarlett's side of the line went quiet.

"He cornered me, Holly! He slapped me, too!" Scarlett defended without thinking.

"..What did you do, Scarlett?"

Scarlett clapped a hand to her mouth to keep her from saying more, her brain frantically running to find a good excuse.

"Scarlett, what did you do to Barry?!" Holly asked lowly, her voice becoming more and more dangerous.

Scarlett shook her head as if Holly could see her, not wanting to speak.

"Scarlett Jean Anderson, if you don't answer me, I swear to-"

"I," Scarlett interrupted with a sigh.
She tried to cut herself off somehow, but for some reason the words came tumbling out.

"I accused him of killing Mom, and I  accidentally... punched him." Scarlett held the phone away from her ear as soon as the words left her mouth, not wanting to hear her sister's response.

However, despite this, she heard it loud and clear.

"You did what?"

"Holly, I-"

"Why would you do that?!"

"You don't understand, Holly!" Scarlett explained hastily. "Barry is not who you think he is!"

"Let me tell you what I think." Holly hissed.

"I think, you dragged my fiancé into your crazy conspiracies, and when he told you how absolutely crazy you are, you punched him so hard that he passed out!"

"What?" Scarlett asked.

'That can't be right. I heard him call out after me! Unless..'

"Don't act so innocent, young lady! You know good and darn well what you did!!" Holly sniffled.

'Was she crying?'

"Holly, cal-" Scarlett tried consoling, but to no avail.

"No! I don't think you realize that Mom committed suicide. There is no murder, there is no evidence that proves there is one! Mom is gone, and assaulting Barry isn't going to change that, no matter what you and your demented mind may think!"

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