Chapter 20

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"She's awake!! Someone get a doctor!!"

Scarlett was welcomed back to the land of the living by a throng of doctors everywhere around her.

She had to hold back a groan, as they were all in her space and vision. She tried looking past them to see who had even brought her here, but all she saw was the white of their lab coats.

She frowned as she answered their many questions and performed their many simple tasks, soon becoming exhausted despite techinally being asleep for however long.

Eventually, she just gave up, leaning back on the pillow and fighting the urge to close her eyes again.

She heard a distant voice telling them to leave her alone, but she barely payed it much mind as sleep took her in it's grasp once more.


Scarlett woke up from her dreamless nap in darkness.

Panicking slightly, she raised her arm and lightly pinched herself. She grimaced in pain.

"Why is it so dark?" Scarlett thought, feeling her eyebrows furrow.

"Because the lights are off." A voice sounded in the darkness, followed by a shuffling. It screamed familiarity in every neuron in her skull, making her tense up.

Suddenly, the lights turned on, causing Scarlett to bring her arm up to shield her eyes with a soft hiss. Immediately the lights dimmed, and Scarlett could see again.

"God, that's so much better." Scarlett breathed, removing her arm from her eyes.

"Thank you-" Scarlett froze once she saw who was currently standing in front of her,


"In the flesh, Letti." Jake flashed a smile, returning to his seat next to the hospital bed. "Your dad needed go to work."

"But.. I thought.."

"What, thought a ghost brought ya here?"

Scarlett went slilent and Jake grimaced.

"Erm, nevermind. Under the circumstances, that would be a very probable outcome."

Scarlett chuckled. "I mean, you're not wrong. A ghost did technically put me here."


"Wait, you said Dad had to work." Scarlett continued, causing Samantha to softly sigh.

"But, it's the weekend. He never has work on the weekends."

"Well.. Let's just say you were very tired."

"Huh? How long was I sleeping?" Scarlett asked.

"You were in and out of sleep for the better part of two days.."

"What?" Scarlett was stunned. She looked out the window and that it was almost pitch black outside, the soft glow of the moon showing her it was late at night.

"What time is it?"

"10:59. Oh wait. Make that 11:00." 

"Wow." Scarlett deadpanned.

"And I thought I was a morning person." Scarlett snickered, causing Jake to chuckle a little.

Then, they were thrown into quietness, both wondering how to continue the conversation.

However, they didn't get much time to think as the door soon burst open.

"I came as soon as I could! Is she- oh."

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