Chapter 12

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Scarlett muttered after some thought, trying to keep up a nonchalant facadé.

"Really?" Juila and Jake exclaimed in unison, way too excited for this type of situation.

"I mean, sure!" Scarlett cleared her throat, her voice slowly becoming stronger.

"Whats the worst that can happen?" She asked, despite her mind coming up with at least 10 different answers, each one worse than the last.

But, she quickly dismissed all those thoughts before her mother caught and decided to comment on them.

"Awesome!" Jake exclaimed, causing everyone else to stare at him.

"What?" He asked, looking between the two. 

"Dear God, he's hopeless." Juila muttered, shaking her head.

"Tell me something I don't know." Scarlett replied, repeating the same motion.

Jake made a small noise of protest, causing everyone  to explode into fits of giggles.

"See, Samantha?" Jake asked incredulously. "This is what I have to deal with."

"Oh, I see alright." Samantha said, obviously trying to hold back a giggle of her own.

"Oh relax, ya big baby." Juila joked, clapping a hand on the males shoulder with a light chuckle.

"Yeah, We're just playing." Scarlett agreed, placing her hand on top of Jake's.

"You guys are meanies." Jake said with a pout, crossing his arms over his chest and shrugging Juila's hand off.

"Oh please, don't act like your so innocent."

"I am!"

Juila and Scarlett sent each other a knowing glance, seeing through Jake's statement.


Everyone blinked. Not due to of the sound of Samantha's voice in their minds.

But, rather, the sound of the voice in their ears, as well the presence that suddenly appeared in the room near them.

Scarlett, being the only one facing towards the entrance to the kitchen, was the first one to see who was at the door.

"Oh! Hey, Dad!"

Jake and Juila both turned around to see, indeed, Howard standing somewhat close to them, looking very confused.

"Did I.. interrupt something?" Said male asked warily, looking around at the children who all shook their head in tandem.

"No, Jake. You can't tell him."

Scarlett saw Jake's facial expression twist into one of both anger and confusion.

No one responded, so Scarlett broke the silence.

"Nope, not at all."

"Right.." Howard murmured unsurely, not quite convinced.

"So, you guys are staying here for the night?" Howard asked, gesturing to Jake and Juila.

"Can we?" Juila wondered aloud, as Scarlett kicked Jake under the table, giving him a small nod in her father's direction.

"Pay attention! He'll suspect something if you don't." She and Samantha whisper-yelled, hoping Jake got the message.

He did, and soon turned around to face Howard, letting both girls breathe a sigh of relief.

"I mean, I don't see why not. Gets pretty lonely without Holly here. Y'all parents okay with it?"

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