Chapter 3

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"I'm back!"

The laughter died down as all of them heard a familiar voice call from the door, as well as footsteps walking towards the kitchen.

However, the mood noticeably died down a little when two people emerged from the archway that separates the two rooms, both of them familiar, but one of them not quite as welcome as the other.

"Holly!... And Barry." Howard said quieting down out of habit.

"Hello yourself, Howard." Barry mumbled, seemingly sizing the older male up, as they stared at each other so intensely, the others in the room almost thought they would kill each other.

Well, everyone but Scarlett and Holly, who just shared a knowing glance before sighing and grabbing each male's arm, keeping them fron attacking each other.

"Jeez, already?" Scarlett mumbled.

"I thought I had at least 10 minutes." Holly replied, not noticing how the males were still staring at each other, and that they would have started an all out brawl if it wasn't for the two holding them back.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but my money's on Mr. Anderson." Juila muttered under her breath, making Barry's steely gaze shift over to her.

"B-But, I would want to doubt you, I mean your fighting abilit-"

"Shut up, Juila." Holly hissed as she felt Barry started pulling against her hold.

"Holly, you've got an omelette in the microwave." Howard mumbled through clenched teeth. "I would've made more if I'd known he was gonna be here."

"I. Have. A. Name." Barry hissed, tensing as he tried to pull away from Holly, to which she just holds him tighter.

"Jake." Scarlett whisper-yelled, trying to keep Barry from hearing her.

When she met his eye, she gestured to the door with a jerk of her head, which he just nodded to.

"Jules, let's get outta here." Jake whispered softly.

"But, I wanna see the fight scene!" Julla whines, a little louder than she expected, causing the fuming males to both glare to her.

"Oh, god." Jake sighs, facepalming before he grabs Juila by her arm.

"We'll be leaving, Mr. Anderson."

Jake quickly hauls Juila onto her feet, gave Scarlett a quick and somewhat awkward kiss on her forehead, and basically dragged Juila out of the house.

"You're too cheesy sometimes, you know that?" Scarlett heard Juila say before they were out of earshot.

She was sure Jake responded, but no exact words reached her ears.

Because now, the two people in the room were now the main focus of everyone.

After sharing a quick glance with Scarlett, Holly cleared her throat.

"You feeling any better, Scar?" Holly asked, concern swimming through her eyes despite the annoyance that was in them when she looked between her dad and her fiancé.

"Yeah, I a-" Scarlett cut herself off, sudden realization setting in that she turned into a plan.

"It was you, wasn't it??"

"Huh?" Holly asked, confusion seeping into her expression.

"It was you!" Scarlett accused, looking back and forth between Howard and Barry frantically, in hopes that her sister gets what she was trying to do.

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